St Margaret Clitherow Catholic Primary School

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About St Margaret Clitherow Catholic Primary School

Name St Margaret Clitherow Catholic Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs Hannah Maskell
Address Polhearne Way, Brixham, TQ5 0EE
Phone Number 01803851647
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 5-11
Religious Character Roman Catholic
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 65
Local Authority Torbay
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils are proud of their school. They describe it as, 'a small community where everyone knows each other.'

Pupils learn the values of tolerance and respect, which are reflected in their behaviour. They believe that everyone should be treated fairly.

Leaders have high expectations.

They have designed a broad curriculum that stimulates pupils' interests. As a result, pupils have positive attitudes to learning.

Pupils are happy.

They value their close relationships with staff. Pupils are keen to share their achievements from outside of school with teachers. Pupils know they can speak to any adult to ask for support if they need to.

T...hey are confident that staff will listen.

Pupils know what it means to be an active citizen in society. They vote for the charity they want to support.

Pupils are proud of the community work they do and have gained a local authority civic award. Pupils take pride in the roles they have in school. For example, the older pupils act as play leaders to support younger pupils.

Parents appreciate leaders' support and how staff help build their children's resilience.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders prioritise reading. Children learn to love reading from the time they begin school.

Teachers read to children daily. Children listen to stories with concentration. They repeat familiar phrases with enthusiasm and expression.

Older pupils are excited about the books they read. They read books linked to the content they are learning in class. Pupils read books from a range of different authors.

Phonics is a strength of the school. Leaders know each pupil well. They check pupils' progress in reading regularly to ensure pupils do not fall behind.

Leaders put support in place for those pupils who need it. When pupils mispronounce words, teachers are quick to correct them to avoid any misconceptions.

The wider curriculum uses the pupils' local area as a starting point to learn new knowledge.

Pupils then build their knowledge and develop a wider understanding of the world. Teachers use assessment to check if pupils know and understand more over time. However, in some subjects, assessment is not used effectively to adapt teaching.

This means that the curriculum, in some subjects, does not help pupils to move onto more complex learning quickly.

The mathematics curriculum is well planned and sequenced. Pupils are well supported by staff to use mathematical concepts.

Pupils enjoy discussing and problem-solving with their friends. In the early years, children can talk through mathematical problems. They use numbers that are displayed around the classroom to recall their learning.

Leaders have designed the early years environment to reflect and stimulate children's interests. Staff use a range of activities effectively to help children to learn. Staff model clear expectations and interactions.

Children copy these successfully. Consequently, they are calm and focused. They play well together.

Leaders are ambitious for pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). Teachers make the necessary adaptations for pupils with SEND to ensure they learn with success. Where there is individual adult support for pupils, staff make sure activities help pupils to learn well.

They ensure the needs of pupils with SEND are met. As a result, pupils with SEND thrive and engage well in their learning.

Pupils appreciate that they can vote for extra-curricular activities that develop their talents and interests.

This means pupils experience a wide range of clubs, including cooking, football and 'zorbing.'

Older pupils enjoy being role models to younger pupils. They recognise that their behaviour sets an example to the other pupils in the school.

Pupils are tolerant of differences. They know the importance of showing mutual respect to different faiths and beliefs.

Leaders have put in place processes to improve the attendance of some pupils.

They have built close relationships with families and provide support to those who need it. However, attendance is below leaders' expectations. This means the minority of pupils with regular absence find it difficult to build knowledge well.

Leaders have created a partnership with another local school in the trust. This collaboration has helped staff with their workload through the sharing of curriculum planning. Staff feel supported by leaders and governors.

Governors work with the trust to challenge and support school leaders.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Leaders promote a strong safeguarding culture.

Pupils feel safe. They know they can share any concerns with staff.

Leaders ensure that adults are safe to work with children.

Staff know how to identify and report safeguarding concerns. Staff receive regular safeguarding training. Leaders are quick to identify safeguarding issues to keep pupils safe and to inform families of their concerns.

Pupils learn to stay safe online and in the community. They know not to share personal information. They also know that some apps come with age restrictions.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• Teachers do not use assessment effectively to adapt teaching in some subjects. This means, at times, pupils do not move onto more complex learning when they are ready. Leaders need to ensure assessment is used effectively so that pupils learn well.

• While leaders have acted to improve the attendance of pupils, a minority of pupils do not attend well. As a result, they have some gaps in their learning and do not build new learning successfully. Leaders need to be persistent in their work with pupils and families to further improve attendance.

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