St Mary’s Church of England Voluntary Controlled Primary School & Nursery

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About St Mary’s Church of England Voluntary Controlled Primary School & Nursery

Name St Mary’s Church of England Voluntary Controlled Primary School & Nursery
Ofsted Inspections
Executive Headteacher Mr Daniel Constable-Phelps
Address Ascupart Street, Southampton, SO14 1LU
Phone Number 02380223930
Phase Primary
Type Voluntary controlled school
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Church of England
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 580
Local Authority Southampton
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils flourish at this exceptional school. They receive an excellent education, with a sharp focus on learning and remembering more, growing in character, and future life chances.

Relationships are strong and pupils are very happy. They feel incredibly safe in this haven of calm.Behaviour in lessons and around the school is exemplary.

Pupils are eager to learn. They consider themselves lucky to attend this school. Pupils are incredibly proud of winning a 'star pupil' mug for exceeding the school's already sky-high expectations.

Pupils, including children in the early years, learn exceptionally well.The school is at the heart of the local community. It makes ...the most of its location in the 'backyard of St Mary's Stadium'.

Strong links between the school and Southampton Football Club help pupils to understand about healthy lifestyles well. The school's intergenerational club supports pupils to build relationships with the elderly, finding similarities and learning different perspectives. Pupils are very well prepared for the next steps in their education and their place in modern Britain.

Parents are highly complimentary of the school. One parent, summing up the views of many, wrote: 'I couldn't have chosen a better school for my child to attend.'

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The school has a highly ambitious, inspirational curriculum.

This often exceeds the expectations of the national curriculum. Pupils' learning in each subject is coherent, well sequenced and skillfully linked to other subjects. The curriculum is fully embedded, and staff teach it consistently well.

For example, the early years staff are highly skilled at developing children's language and communication skills.Learning comes alive at St Mary's. Teachers help pupils to remember their learning.

For example, in a Year 2 lesson, pupils used virtual reality headsets to learn and understand more about school life in ancient Mesopotamia. The curriculum builds in opportunities for pupils to recap on previous learning. Teachers draw and build on prior learning exceptionally well.

How much pupils know and remember across all subjects is impressive. In the past, pupils' academic achievements have not been good enough. The new curriculum, alongside an exceptional development programme for all staff, has made a huge difference to how well current pupils learn.

Nothing is left to chance. Teachers' checks on how well pupils are learning are methodical. Staff spot misconceptions and address them immediately.

All staff uphold the school mantra of 'whatever it takes'.Many pupils arrive with little or no spoken English. The school ensures that every pupil, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), receives the support they need.

The provision for pupils with SEND is one of the school's many strengths. Staff identify their needs accurately. They adapt learning well for individual pupils.

Staff are deeply committed to ensuring that all pupils consistently benefit from every opportunity that the school has to offer.Pupils have a desire to read and the skills to do so well. This starts in the early years, where children start to learn sounds, enjoy stories and increase their vocabulary swiftly.

Staff teach phonics accurately. The school provides timely support to any pupils who are finding reading tricky. As such, pupils catch up.

The provision for pupils' wider personal development is exceptional. Pupils contribute well to school life. For example, the school council is currently planning how best to address litter in the local community.

All pupils in the school have a say in this matter. Staff nurture pupils' character superbly well. The school's character superheroes, such as 'Independent Isla', help pupils to learn well and contribute to society.

There is a broad range of clubs in which pupils can take part. Pupils adore these clubs. They benefit from annual trips to London to support their learning and widen their horizons.

Behaviour is excellent throughout the school. Pupils show great compassion for each other. Children in the early years learn how to behave well.

The school teaches them how to understand different feelings. Staff encourage them to take turns, share and think for themselves. Older pupils are successful role models to younger pupils.

Parents and carers benefit from the excellent work of the school. Regular workshops help them learn English or understand phonics. The 'Great Exhibition' ensures that parents know what their children have learned.

Staff also flourish at St Mary's. Morale is high. The school supports staff's workload well, allowing them to focus on providing the right level of support for pupils.

Governors have an accurate understanding of the school. They bring experience and knowledge, offering the right balance of challenge and support.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

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