St Michael’s Church of England Primary School, Bamford

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About St Michael’s Church of England Primary School, Bamford

Name St Michael’s Church of England Primary School, Bamford
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs Melanie Barratt
Address Bury and Rochdale Old Road, Heywood, OL10 4BB
Phone Number 01706369339
Phase Primary
Type Voluntary aided school
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Church of England
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 232
Local Authority Rochdale
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils, including children in the early years, benefit from an education of exceptional quality.

They are curious and enjoy their learning. Children in the early years participate in a wide variety of learning activities with gusto. Throughout the school, pupils progress extremely well through the curriculum.

This prepares them very well for their next stages of learning.

The school has the highest expectations of pupils in every aspect of school life, including their achievement. Pupils are proud to maintain these high standards and achieve highly.

The climate of warmth, care and compassion develops pupils' confidence and makes them unafraid of mist...akes. Pupils behave well and are highly respectful to staff and each other. Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) thrive in the welcoming and supportive environment.

The school has thought carefully about the personal qualities that it supports pupils to develop, with a particular focus on developing their independence. In the early years, staff ensure that children are exposed to carefully managed risks. For example, staff teach children to safely use knives to prepare their own snack.

Older pupils enjoy an array of clubs that develop their talents and interests, which include story explorers, social action and coding clubs, as well as sports such as tag rugby and netball.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The school has a well-established and highly ambitious curriculum in place. It has designed the curriculum to continuously develop pupils' knowledge from the early years to Year 6.

Teachers at every stage prioritise the knowledge that pupils need to prepare them for their next steps. For example, in the early years, staff take every opportunity to develop children's sense of number, through engaging activities and counting games. This prepares children very well for the demands of key stage 1.

Teachers have strong subject expertise and deliver the curriculum well. They design learning that enthuses and inspires pupils, as well as developing their understanding. Teachers adopt effective strategies to check on pupils' knowledge during lessons.

They skilfully identify and address any misconceptions that would otherwise hinder pupils' learning. Pupils achieve highly across the range of subjects and the quality of their work is excellent.

Children's love of reading begins in the Nursery class, where stories and rhymes form the heart of the curriculum.

Staff expertly deliver the phonics programme. They ensure that children in Reception class and pupils in key stage 1 regularly practise reading using books that include familiar sounds. Staff make careful checks on pupils' reading, swiftly resolving any gaps in their knowledge.

As a result, pupils develop into fluent and confident readers.

Pupils with SEND are identified quickly and supported very well. Teachers make sensitive and effective adaptations that enable these pupils to successfully progress through the curriculum alongside their peers.

However, the school recognises that some parents and carers of pupils with SEND have a negative perception of the support offered for their children. It has recently taken steps to improve engagement with these parents, for example, through hosting regular coffee morning sessions to allow discussion of their child's progress and share any concerns with the school.

The school fosters a warm and positive climate for learning.

In lessons, behaviour is exemplary. Pupils place a high value on their education. They do not want to miss out on any learning, or cause others to miss out.

Pupils are typically keen to come to school and have high rates of attendance. Where this is not the case, the school works closely with parents to surmount any barriers that limit pupils' attendance.

Throughout the school there is a sharp focus on wellness and well-being which extends to pupils and staff.

Pupils learn a wide range of strategies to promote their physical and mental health. They know that they can discuss any worries with staff. Any pupils that need further care receive targeted support from well-trained staff.

The school fosters an impressively strong community spirit. This is embedded through regular assemblies that celebrate the school values and promote pupils' sense of collective endeavour. Pupils take on an array of responsibilities within the school.

For example, some pupils were tasked with creating a 'reading cottage' in the school grounds, including managing the design and budget. Other pupils have been trained to resolve any disagreements on the playground and to support any of their peers that are upset or lonely.

Staff feel valued and respected by the school and governors.

They appreciate the support for their professional development through regular training and collaborative working. They are proud to work at the school.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

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