St Peter’s Catholic Primary School

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About St Peter’s Catholic Primary School

Name St Peter’s Catholic Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Ms Marna Du Bruyn
Address Crescent Road, London, SE18 7BN
Phone Number 02082650028
Phase Primary
Type Voluntary aided school
Age Range 5-11
Religious Character Roman Catholic
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 204
Local Authority Greenwich
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils are happy, friendly and enjoy coming to school. The school's mission statements and values run through school life. For instance, staff encourage pupils to 'work hard'.

Staff care for pupils with kindness and consideration. There are high expectations for pupils' learning and behaviour. Pupils enjoy their learning, particularly in the outdoor learning environment, where pupils experience hands-on learning.

This helps pupils to develop their confidence and self-esteem.

There is a calm and orderly environment across the school. Pupils know the routines exceptionally well.

The school makes sure that pupils are kept safe. Pupils' behaviour across ...the school is excellent. The school prides itself on developing positive, supportive working relationships with pupils, staff and parents and carers.

The school is seen as a 'big family' by many.

Pupils take on leadership roles, such as faith leaders, school council, house captains and eco warriors. Pupils contribute positively to the life of the school.

For example, they helped design the new 'Prayer Garden'. Pupils have opportunities to help in the community through supporting food banks and charities. The school promotes singing very well.

For instance, the choir often performs at local events. There are a wide variety of extra-curricular activities and school trips, which are highly valued.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Pupils learn an ambitious curriculum that matches and exceeds what is expected nationally.

The school enables pupils to achieve extremely highly. Leaders have identified the key knowledge and skills they expect pupils to learn precisely. The curriculum is well sequenced from Reception so that pupils build their knowledge cumulatively.

Staff are highly skilled to support pupils to tackle more complex ideas as they move through the school. In early years, children learn across all areas of learning. Staff develop children's communication and language skills very well.

Teachers present information clearly and have very strong subject knowledge. Pupils build their knowledge deeply across a wide range of subjects, including art, music and design and technology. Pupils have an extremely strong recollection of key content that is taught.

They produce work to a high standard, such as in their art sketchbooks. Very strong teaching enables pupils to build on their subject-specific vocabulary. For example, in geography, pupils understood concepts such as deforestation and its impact on the environment.

In early years, children used descriptive language confidently when learning about different types of whales. Pupils take great pride in their many achievements.

The reading curriculum is highly effective.

Staff have been well trained to implement the school's phonics programme as soon as children join Reception. Staff provide well-targeted catch-up sessions for any pupils who may struggle with their reading. This helps pupils to quickly gain the knowledge and skills they need to become confident, fluent readers.

By the end of Year 6, pupils achieve very highly in their reading and are very well prepared for secondary school.

All adults check pupils' learning and they address misconceptions with precision. Teachers make adaptations to pupils' work skilfully.

This ensures that those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) receive an appropriate level of challenge in their learning.

Pupils focus extremely well in their learning. Behaviour across the school is excellent.

This begins in the early years, where staff makes sure children follow routines and instructions. Pupils interact very positively with adults and each other. Leaders have effective systems in place to ensure that pupils attend school regularly and on time.

The school prepares pupils for life in modern Britain effectively. Staff promote the importance of the fundamental British values, such as respect. Celebrations such as 'Culture Week' facilitate pupils' understanding of equality.

The school supports pupils to be responsible citizens. For example, pupils take part in workshops about citizenship and learn how to manage money.

Leaders and governors are very mindful of staff's workload.

This is much appreciated by staff. Parents and carers felt highly positive about how the school works with them and their children.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

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