St Peter’s Catholic Primary School

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About St Peter’s Catholic Primary School

Name St Peter’s Catholic Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs Lisa Kelly
Address Grange Road, Leatherhead, KT22 7JN
Phone Number 01372274913
Phase Primary
Type Voluntary aided school
Age Range 4-11
Religious Character Roman Catholic
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 420
Local Authority Surrey
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

The school places no limits on what pupils can accomplish.

Pupils receive an exceptional education here. This begins in early years, where strong foundations are built. Happy pupils take a keen interest in their learning.

Across subjects, they excel in their work and achieve extremely well. Pupils take great pride in their achievements, and rightly so. They flourish in this highly ambitious, safe and inclusive community.

Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) receive the support and guidance they need to be highly successful.

Pupils' behaviour in lessons and around the school is exemplary. They are extremely courteous to eac...h other and to staff.

Children in early years are curious and independent explorers of the world around them. Leadership roles such as acting as a 'St Peter's pal', curriculum ambassadors, and being members of the proactive school council empower pupils to make a highly positive contribution to school life. Year 6 prefects care for the youngest children, helping them to settle in and thrive.

Parents value the support and care that staff provide. As one parent said, 'This school has a wonderful ethos and family feel. We are fortunate that our children attend here and wouldn't want them to go anywhere else.'

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The school provides an excellent education for all pupils. The curriculum is superbly structured to enrich pupils' learning across all year groups. It sets out precisely the important knowledge and skills pupils should learn, step by step.

Developing pupils' rich vocabulary is prioritised, so that they can describe and explain their ideas confidently. This starts in the early years, where important foundational knowledge is embedded particularly well. Staff routinely model expert communication, using high-quality interactions to help children work and play together.

This enables children to grasp ideas securely and develop the strong body of knowledge they need in readiness for Year 1.

Staff show great care and ambition for all pupils. They are expertly trained and use their excellent subject knowledge to model learning with great skill.

Pupils have regular opportunities to revisit and apply their learning so that, over time, they develop a deep body of knowledge. Pupils who are disadvantaged, including those with SEND, benefit particularly well. Staff are swift to identify any additional needs and make meaningful adaptations to the curriculum when required.

Their use of assessment is highly effective. Any pupils that fall behind are given additional support to help them get back on track quickly. Consequently, pupils achieve exceptionally well across the curriculum.

They are very well prepared for the next stage of their education.

Reading sits right at the heart of the school's curriculum and a love of reading is evident. Children in Reception get off to a swift start in learning to read.

Expert staff ensure that all pupils securely develop their phonics knowledge and comprehension skills. They skilfully identify and provide support for any pupils who need to catch up. Books are well matched to the sounds pupils have learned, which develops their accuracy and confidence effectively.

Consequently, pupils become fluent, independent and prolific readers.

Pupils' personal development is of very high quality. The school has carefully considered what experiences the most vulnerable pupils need to broaden their horizons effectively.

A wide range of trips and visits enhance their interests and harness their talents superbly. Pupils are highly positive and responsible citizens who go out of their way to raise donations for the local and international causes they support. They discuss a range of diverse topics and are encouraged to think about their place in the world.

Pupils learn about different types of religions and cultures. They show a genuine respect for difference. Pupils define respect as, 'Showing love and care to other people.'

They are extremely well prepared for life in modern Britain.

Pupils know and follow the school's routines extremely well. They are highly motivated and show excellent attitudes to their learning.

This includes children in the early years, who share and collaborate well. A strikingly calm and peaceful atmosphere is the hallmark of all classrooms. Pupils' commitment to their education is reflected in their very high levels of attendance and punctuality.

Staff feel valued and proud to work at the school. They appreciate the wide range of initiatives in place to support their workload and well-being. Those responsible for governance have a thorough understanding of the school.

Leaders at all levels are diligent in fulfilling their duties effectively. They are constantly seeking ways to refine the school's offer in their unwavering commitment to providing the very best education for all.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

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