St Peter’s CofE Primary Academy, Easton

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About St Peter’s CofE Primary Academy, Easton

Name St Peter’s CofE Primary Academy, Easton
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs Rebecca Newman
Address Marlingford Road, Easton, Norwich, NR9 5AD
Phone Number 01603880553
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 4-11
Religious Character Church of England
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 183
Local Authority Norfolk
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils enjoy the welcoming environment of their school. From early years, relationships between staff and pupils are strong. Adults want the best for the pupils.

They ensure that the pupils are well cared for. Pupils are very happy. They consistently act in a kind way towards each other.

Pupils take turns in conversations and listen attentively. They celebrate each other's differences, and make sure everyone feels part of school life.

In lessons and playtime, pupils behave well.

They benefit from a very friendly atmosphere. Rules are clearly understood and followed. Pupils follow the adults' instructions sensibly.

They move around the school... calmly. Likewise, lessons are also orderly. Pupils are respectful towards each other and the adults.

Pupils like that they can work well without distractions.

Pupils do well at school. They study a range of interesting topics across different subjects.

Adults make sure that all pupils are included in the learning. If a pupil needs extra help and support, they quickly receive it. Pupils also benefit from trips which are designed to enrich their learning.

Visits to local museums and castles are popular. These help to bring to life what pupils are learning in class.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders have ensured that an ambitious curriculum is in place for all pupils.

Many leaders from within the federation share their expertise between the schools. They work closely together to refine and develop the curriculum. This has been effective in ensuring most pupils benefit from learning the important knowledge they need to achieve well.

However, while this is the case, newer subject leaders in place have not had the full opportunity to carry out the checks needed to check how well pupils are achieving. Consequently, they are not as confident in their knowledge about how well pupils achieve in the curriculum area they lead.

The school has put in place training to ensure staff effectively teach the content of the curriculum as they intend.

Teachers consistently plan appropriate activities to further develop pupils' skills and knowledge. Typically, teachers explain new knowledge pupils need to learn clearly. Teachers regularly check if pupils understand what is being taught.

If there are misunderstandings, they quickly identify them and provide further help if needed.

The school has implemented an appropriate phonics programme to teach pupils to read. In the main, this is implemented well.

Pupils make good progress with their reading. Staff accurately identify and support weaker readers. This allows them to develop the skills and confidence they need to become fluent readers.

Sometimes, more fluent readers need to wait for others before they are given opportunities to move on. Pupils are very positive about their reading.

Staff are knowledgeable in how to provide appropriate support for pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).

Generally, they are skilled in helping all pupils, including those with SEND, to do well.

In the early years, children benefit from positive relationships with the staff. However, the curriculum and its delivery does not ensure children are routinely engaged in their learning.

Consequently, children's needs are not routinely met. As part of the curriculum delivery, the outside learning environment is not designed to fully support different areas of children's development, including their physical development. While staff talk to children in a friendly manner, the school has not ensured that there is a precise focus on developing children's language and communication skills from their different starting points.

The school has clear behaviour policies which are consistently followed. It shows in pupils being polite and friendly. They are keen to talk to adults and are very welcoming towards visitors.

Though they rarely need to do it, staff know how to arrange support that helps pupils to manage their feelings.

There is a strong sense of community and Christian ethos. Pupils learn about different faiths.

They are respectful and tolerant of other's beliefs. They talk confidently about important values. They know how to keep safe and healthy.

Adults have made sure that pupils can take part in different clubs to develop their interests. Tag rugby and comic club are popular.

Leaders, including governors and trustees, have helped to create a culture where pupils love coming to school.

They have ensured high levels of attendance for the majority of pupils. Staff are very positive and feel listened to by leaders.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• In Reception, the school has not ensured that the individual needs, interests, and development areas of each child is considered in sufficient detail including in the outside environment. As a result, children's needs are not being fully met. The school must ensure that adults consistently plan a challenging and enjoyable experience for each child.

This must take account of children's varying starting points in all areas of their learning and development. ? Where there is newer subject leadership in place, they have not had the opportunity to carry out checks on how well pupils are achieving. The school need to ensure they continue to support new leaders to make sure they carry out the checks they need to so they know how well pupils achieve in the area of the curriculum they lead.

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