St Thomas More Catholic School

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About St Thomas More Catholic School

Name St Thomas More Catholic School
Ofsted Inspections
Executive Headteacher Mr Martin Tissot
Address Glendale Avenue, Wood Green, London, N22 5HN
Phone Number 02088887122
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 11-18
Religious Character Roman Catholic
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 1271
Local Authority Haringey
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Staff and pupils are very proud of their school. The school has developed a strong community that provides a nurturing space for pupils to flourish.

Pupils develop strong subject knowledge, which results in positive outcomes in public examinations and prepares them well for their next steps.

Leaders have high expectations of pupils' behaviour and conduct, and pupils are highly motivated to learn in lessons. Pupils are confident, courteous and curious learners.

They attend school well and the school works successfully with parents and carers, who speak highly of the school. Pupils are safe and happy at this school.

The school provides pupils with an e...xtensive offering of opportunities and experiences to broaden their knowledge.

Leaders have made the building of pupils' cultural capital a priority of the school. Pupils take part in an array of clubs and societies, including chess, sewing, rugby, mock trials (law club) and dance, alongside trips to the theatre, museums, author visits and numerous competitions. Pupils also make meaningful contributions to the life of the school and wider community.

Sixth-form students take an active role in mentoring younger pupils and endeavour to be role models for their peers.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Pupils follow a rich and ambitious curriculum. Knowledge is logically sequenced, so pupils return to, practise and embed key concepts.

Pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), develop a strong understanding and a range of skills in different subjects. There is a sharp focus on making learning memorable and enrichment activities help bring learning to life. For example, pupils visit the Globe theatre, Bletchley Park and the Science Museum to inform their responses and ideas.

Teachers have strong subject knowledge. They think carefully about what is learned and try to make links to current affairs and wider issues to make pupils think critically. For example, in English pupils consider bias in the media and how different public figures are described by the press.

In geography, pupils examine case studies from around the world, including the changing population and economy of Zimbabwe. In all subjects, teachers routinely check that key knowledge is learned before building on this learning. As a result, pupils make excellent progress and produce high-quality work.

Reading is put at the centre of the curriculum. High-quality texts are chosen and teachers ensure technical and complex vocabulary is both understood and can be applied by pupils. Pupils who need further help with their reading are provided with effective support to ensure they can access the full curriculum.

Sixth-form students hear younger readers as part of a guided reading programme and the school promotes reading through 'book buzz' events, book clubs and readathons.

The school identifies pupils' needs with precision and shares this information with staff. The school has a range of strategies available to support pupils with SEND, which are used appropriately when needed.

Pupils with SEND achieve very well, including in the sixth form. The drive for success and leaders' high aspiration for all is evident throughout the school.

The school is calm and orderly.

Behaviour is exemplary. Older students are role models for their peers and their conduct is highly respectful, responsible and compassionate. Pupils' confidence builds quickly, and they embody the values of the school.

Sixth-form students lead as prefects, take part in community projects such as 'urban jungle,' lead societies, mentor younger pupils and take part in volunteering. Younger pupils take part in competitions such as 'Jack Petchey Speak Out' competition, athletics and mathematical challenges, and there is high participation in Green Club, the youth club, school council and the Duke of Edinburgh's Awards. Pupils take part in numerous trips, including international visits to Rome, Germany and Granada.

The school's CREST values are firmly embedded to develop pupils' character and are underpinned by the Catholic ethos.

Leaders prepare pupils and students in the sixth form extremely well for the next stage of education, employment or training. Pupils take part in work experience in both Year 10 and Year 12.

The careers provision is strong with talks, advice and workshops on a wide range of pathways and careers. Personal, social, health and economic education is delivered well, and pupils explore fundamental British values and equality of opportunity. The school ensures that pupils are prepared for life in modern Britain and taught how to stay safe, including online.

The pastoral care and support given by the school is exceptional.

Staff at the school are dedicated to the care of and provision for pupils. Leaders ensure that staff are provided with valuable professional development so they can fulfil their responsibilities, and are working to ensure that their well-being is a priority too.

Leaders at all levels are reflective and committed to further improvement. Trustees work together with leaders and have a keen understanding of the school and its wider context.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

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