Stepney Primary School

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About Stepney Primary School

Name Stepney Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs Julia Mitchell
Address Beverley Road, Hull, HU5 1JJ
Phone Number 01482343690
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 226
Local Authority Kingston upon Hull, City of
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils enjoy coming to school and say that they feel safe here. Leaders and staff have high expectations for pupils both academically and personally. Pupils know that they need to have 'kind words, kind hands and kind actions'.

Leaders and staff provide a high-quality education for all pupils. They learn a wide range of subjects from early years to Year 6. The school offers a range of experiences for pupils beyond the classroom.

Leaders want pupils to be prepared for their future lives. There are regular visits and visitors to school. Pupils have the chance to visit the Royal Opera House in London.

Staff build positive relationships with pupils. On the rare o...ccasions that bullying happens, it is addressed effectively by staff.

Parents speak positively about behaviour and communication.

The feel that expectations about behaviour are clear. There are strong relationships between staff and parents. Pupils, staff and parents look forward to the Friday celebration assembly.

Pupils are rewarded for being 'star of the week'. The 'learning muscle trophy' is awarded to pupils who have shown commitment to their learning. Pupils know that applying the learning muscles helps them to experience a better education.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders from the trust have prioritised curriculum development. They have planned a curriculum that matches the aims and ambition of the national curriculum. There is a well-sequenced programme of learning across all subjects from the early years to Year 6.

Subject leaders have identified the key knowledge that they want pupils to know and remember over time. Teachers across the trust support each other to ensure that the key knowledge is developed into lessons. However, in mathematics, there were limited opportunities for pupils to deepen their understanding of this key knowledge.

Reading is a priority from Nursery. Staff who teach phonics are well trained. They follow a structured programme and have a consistent approach.

Most pupils have strong phonics knowledge and are keeping up with the pace of the programme. However, for those pupils who need more practice with phonics in Year 1, the reading books are not matched closely enough to their phonics knowledge. They rely too much on adult support to be able to read the book accurately.

Pupils usually behave sensibly in lessons and engage positively with their learning.Any low-level disruption is addressed quickly. Pupils are rewarded with points for showing positive behaviour.

Pupils are eager to collect enough points to visit the 'reading book vending machine'.

Some pupils are not coming to school regularly or often enough. The newly formed attendance team work closely with families where pupils' attendance is lower than it should be.

The impact of this work is limited.

There is a strong approach to inclusion. Pupils who need support, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), get it quickly from well-trained staff.

This includes emotional literacy support, nurture provision and the school nurse. Regular craft mornings for parents of pupils with additional needs help to build relationships and pupils' confidence.

Pupils' wider development is carefully thought out by leaders.

Pupils benefit from a detailed and well-considered personal, social, health and economic (PSHE) education programme. Staff are confident to talk to pupils about important issues in an age-appropriate way. Pupils are taught about equality and the importance of being respectful towards others.

This includes those from diverse religious and cultural backgrounds. Leaders provide many opportunities to promote pupils' personal development. Extra-curricular clubs include tennis, gardening and badminton.

Leaders are committed to making sure that pupils have a voice in school through the 'pupil voice team'.

Children in the early years learn and play together in a happy and safe environment.They share resources and are considerate towards each other.

Plans for what children will learn in the early years are clear. Staff regularly check children's knowledge and understanding so that they are able to plan their next steps. Staff take every opportunity to develop children's spoken language.

This focus on oracy and vocabulary continues to be developed into Year 1 and beyond. Parents welcome the 'stay and play' sessions offered every week. This gives them a chance to find out about their children's learning and how they can support them at home.

Leaders are forward thinking in their approach to developing the school further. They provide support for staff to manage their time and the demands on their workload. This includes joint planning sessions with other teachers in the trust.

Staff welcome this. Leaders ensure that staff receive the training and resources that they need. The governing body and leaders of the trust provide effective support and challenge to leaders.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Leaders go over and above to make sure pupils are safe in school. Record-keeping, including employment checks, is managed vigilantly by leaders, staff and governors.

Leaders make sure that staff receive regular training and know how to identify and report any safeguarding concerns. Leaders respond quickly when pupils are identified as needing help.

Pupils feel well supported and cared for by all staff.

They learn about developing healthy relationships and risks that they could be exposed to through the PSHE curriculum. Regular e-safety lessons ensure that pupils know how to keep themselves safe online.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• In mathematics, teachers do not always adapt learning well enough to ensure that the needs of all pupils are being met.

This means that some pupils are not engaged in their learning. This leads to a lack of interest in mathematics for some pupils. Leaders should ensure that teachers have the training and support that they need to deliver lessons so that pupils are given opportunities to explain their thinking and they have a deeper understanding of the key knowledge that they have identified as being important.

• Reading books are not matched closely enough to phonics ability for some pupils. This means that the younger pupils are unable to read independently without adult support. Leaders should support teachers to ensure that they are selecting the reading books which focus on the sounds that pupils know well.

• Leaders do not make sure that all parents fully understand the importance of pupils attending school every day. This means that pupils are missing vital elements of their learning. Leaders must ensure that the newly appointed attendance team have the training and the support that they need to manage attendance levels more rigorously.

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