Stiperstones CofE Primary School

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About Stiperstones CofE Primary School

Name Stiperstones CofE Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Federation Headteacher Mr Les Ball
Address Norbury, Bishops Castle, SY9 5EA
Phone Number 01588650207
Phase Primary
Type Voluntary controlled school
Age Range 4-11
Religious Character Church of England
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 24
Local Authority Shropshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

Summary of key findings for parents and pupils

This is a good school The acting executive headteacher, ably supported by the teacher-in-charge, provides clear, energetic and visionary leadership for the school. Governors, with support from the local authority and interim leaders, have carefully managed a turbulent time of staff change and improved stability and provision for pupils.

The school has an interim leadership structure. Governors are consulting parents to ensure that a sustainable leadership structure is in place. The local authority has monitored all aspects of school life rigorously since 2017.

Leaders in school are now in a position to monitor teaching and learning. Good teaching in all classe...s enables all pupils to achieve well from their starting points. However, not all pupils with gaps in spelling and basic number skills, particularly in key stage 1, have fully caught up.

Pupils with special educational needs (SEN) and/or disabilities are well catered for. Additional adults provide good levels of support for pupils. Pupils enjoy coming to school and they are very keen to learn.

They feel safe and know how to stay safe. Pupils are extremely well behaved. Their personal development, behaviour and welfare are outstanding.

Pupils display exemplary values of kindness, respect and care for each other. The pupil premium is used effectively, resulting in pupils making good progress. Educational visits locally and to places like Normandy enhance and bring the school's stimulating, broad curriculum to life.

Learning is memorable and exciting. Parents are very positive about the school and the quality of communication with staff. Pupils in school participate in a wide range of sporting activities.

However, governors' planning for this aspect of funding has lacked focus. In the early years, children get off to a good start and are making good progress. However, the outdoor play and learning space is underused.

It is not as inviting or interesting as it could be. Teacher assessment judgements across the school in all classes are accurate. However, in the early years, systems to track the progress are not always providing adults with precise information in the different areas of learning.

Information about this school

The school is much smaller than the average-sized primary school. Pupils are taught in two mixed-age classes. The first class is Reception, Year 1 and Year 2.

The second class is a key stage 2 class. The proportion of disadvantaged pupils known to be eligible for pupil premium funding is below the national average. Currently, the proportion of pupils who have SEN and/or disabilities is above the national average.

The school is in a federation with Chirbury CofE Primary School. The schools federated in 2012 when faced with possible closure. The acting executive headteacher, who is headteacher of Norbury Primary School, visits the school regularly.

The teacher-in-charge manages the school on a daily basis. All pupils are of White British heritage and all speak English as their first language. The governors operate a before- and after-school club on the school premises when required by parents.

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Norbury Primary School and Nursery

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