Stoke Heath Primary School

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About Stoke Heath Primary School

Name Stoke Heath Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Miss Louise Kelman
Address Heath Crescent, Coventry, CV2 4PR
Phone Number 02476454741
Phase Primary
Type Community school
Age Range 2-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 506
Local Authority Coventry
Highlights from Latest Inspection

Summary of key findings for parents and pupils

This is a good school. The leadership of the school is outstanding.

The headteacher and other leaders focus rigorously on making the school the best that it can be. This drive and determination is shared by subject leaders and a highly motivated staff team. They have a clear focus on improving teaching and supporting each other's practice.

Governance is strong. Governors routinely check how well the school is doing so they can provide further challenge and support. As a result, the school is rapidly improving.

Pupils' behaviour is outstanding because of their exceptionally positive attitudes to learning. They understand and readily respond to the scho...ol's values and are respectful and courteous to each other and to adults. Teaching in the school has improved and is now consistently good, with some that is outstanding.

Teachers use their strong subject knowledge to plan inspiring and motivating activities. Teaching assistants are particularly effective in their contributions to learning. Achievement in reading and mathematics has improved rapidly over the last eighteen months.

Almost all pupils attain the expected standards and increasing proportions are reaching above average levels. Well-targeted support for all groups of pupils, particularly disadvantaged pupils, ensures they achieve well. Pupils enjoy coming to school because the curriculum is varied and stimulating and prepares them very well for life in modern Britain.

Their attendance and punctuality are now above average. The care and safety of pupils are outstanding. Relationships are warm and trusting so that pupils feel safe and secure.

Safeguarding practices are rigorous. The early years is outstanding. Children get off to an excellent start in the Nursery and Reception classes and make rapid strides in their communication skills, confidence and attitudes to learning.

As a result, children are well prepared for Year 1. It is not yet an outstanding school because : Pupils' progress in writing is not as strong as it is in reading and mathematics. Handwriting is not taught early enough to enable pupils to develop a fluid style.

Occasionally, pupils do not have enough opportunities to apply their mathematical skills and solve practical problems. Not all pupils respond to teachers' verbal and written comments to improve their work.

Information about this school

The school is much larger than the average-sized primary school.

The proportion of pupils from minority ethnic backgrounds is well above average. The proportion of those who speak English as an additional language is also much higher than the national average with 37 languages being spoken in the school. The proportion of disabled pupils and those who have special educational needs is broadly average.

The proportion of disadvantaged pupils supported through the pupil premium funding, is well above average. This funding is used to support pupils in the care of the local authority and those who are known to be eligible for free school meals. The school has a range of links to other local primary schools, including the Aspire Network.

Many pupils have attended other primary schools before arriving at Stoke Heath Primary School and join the school part-way through the year. The school meets the current government floor standards, which set the minimum expectation for pupils' attainment and progress. The school provides part-time early years provision for children in Nursery in one morning class and one afternoon class.

A small number of children attend both sessions. Provision for children in Reception is full-time. The school provides a breakfast and after-school club each day for pupils on roll at the school.

There have been a number of changes of staff since the last inspection. A new headteacher was appointed in September 2013. The headteacher is a local leader of education (LLE) and she is currently working with the new headteacher of a local school.

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