Tedburn St Mary School

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About Tedburn St Mary School

Name Tedburn St Mary School
Website http://www.tedburn.devon.sch.uk/website
Ofsted Inspections
Executive Headteacher Mr Andy Keay
Address School Lane, Tedburn St Mary, Exeter, EX6 6AA
Phone Number 0164761338
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 4-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 97
Local Authority Devon
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils are proud of their school. They have a sense of belonging and say their school feels like a family.

The school's values of respect, curiosity and pride are reflected in how pupils treat each other. Pupils take it in turns to talk. They listen to one another.

They value each other's individuality. The behaviour of pupils is exceptional.

Pupils value the positions of responsibility they hold.

School councillors lead assemblies and teach their peers about fundamental British values. As a result, pupils have a well-considered view of what democracy and tolerance mean for people around the world.

Pupils know how to stay safe online.
...r/>They appreciate what risky behaviour means and know how to keep themselves safe in the community. Pupils talk positively about the trips they go on. For example, pupils confidently explain how a recent museum trip helped them to learn about the Romans.

Pupils attend a range of clubs that develop their interests and talents, such as guitar club, football club and choir. These activities help pupils to develop confidence and resilience.

Parents talk positively about the school.

They appreciate how the staff know each pupil individually.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The trust and school leaders are ambitious for all pupils. Following the previous inspection, the trust prioritised improving early reading and phonics.

Staff have been trained well to deliver the phonics curriculum. They ensure that books match the school's phonics scheme. Children learn to love reading from the day they start school.

Teachers present phonic sounds clearly. They skilfully check pupils' understanding to identify if pupils are secure in their learning. Pupils read books that match their ability.

They use their phonics knowledge well to decode unfamiliar words. Teachers ensure that pupils understand the meaning of the words they read. As a result, pupils get off to a flying start with their reading and achieve well.

The school's curriculum reflects the breadth of the national curriculum. However, subjects are at different stages of development. Mathematics, for example, is well established.

The mathematics curriculum builds skills and knowledge progressively from Reception to Year 6. Pupils talk with confidence about how they integrate new knowledge into what they have learned before. The impact of this means that pupils produce work that is ambitious and of a high quality.

In other subjects, the curriculum has not been developed to connect ideas well. Pupils sometimes complete activities in lessons that do not help them to connect what they have learned across the curriculum. When this occurs, activities are not demanding enough and do not enable pupils to deepen their understanding of more complex content.

Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) work alongside their peers. The nature and culture of this small school mean that staff care deeply and know the needs of all pupils, including pupils with SEND. When necessary, the curriculum is adapted for pupils with SEND to ensure they learn well.

Pupils are polite and well mannered. They are proud to take responsibility for their own behaviour. Older pupils know they are responsible for setting an example to younger pupils.

Pupils say that they treat people in a way that they would like to be treated. Staff and pupils build strong relationships. This means that pupils respond positively to instructions from staff.

Pupils enjoy learning and coming to school. As a result, the school has high rates of attendance.

Children in the early years are keen to learn.

There is a focus on developing children's communication and language. Children are enthusiastic about their learning. Reception children listen regularly to stories and nursery rhymes that engage them.

Learning in the classroom connects to learning outside. This helps children to be curious about their local environment.

The curriculum for pupils' personal development is a strength of the school.

Pupils talk with pride about how they raise money for local charities. Members of the local church deliver 'open the book' assemblies, which reinforce messages linked to the school values. Pupils understand the importance of contributing to wider society.

They are passionate about celebrating and supporting diversity.

The trustees and local hub board members know the school's strengths and areas of development. The trust prioritises the well-being of staff.

As a result, all staff are proud to work at the school.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• In a small number of subjects, the curriculum does not always connect important knowledge well.

Pupils do not understand how content links to more complex ideas and, at times, the work pupils complete in lessons lacks ambition. Where this occurs, pupils do not deepen their knowledge and understanding well. The school should ensure that the curriculum design and its delivery help pupils to connect knowledge and important concepts so that pupils deepen their understanding across all subjects.

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