Teignmouth Primary School

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About Teignmouth Primary School

Name Teignmouth Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Principal Mrs Annabelle Thomas
Address Mill Lane, Teignmouth, TQ14 9BB
Phone Number 01626772320
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 244
Local Authority Devon
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Leaders are ambitious for all pupils, including vulnerable pupils and pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). Leaders support pupils to learn about careers. This develops their aspirations for the future.

One leader commented, there are 'no limits' for the pupils at Teignmouth Community School. Consequently, pupils enjoy coming to school, attend regularly and love to learn.

Leaders have developed a consistent behaviour policy where pupils model respect, responsibility and honesty.

Staff have high expectations for pupils' behaviour. Pupils move around the school calmly and politely. They aim to 'stay on green'.

Pupils say tha...t bullying is very uncommon and adults always deal with issues well.

Leaders have developed high-quality outdoor education for all pupils. This strengthens pupils' science knowledge and supports their broader development.

Pupils enjoy a range of opportunities, including den building and learning to light fires safely. Leaders consider carefully how to enrich pupils' personal development further. For example, pupils learn about children's rights and responsibilities and put them into action.

Therefore, pupils develop strong relationships. They are involved in decisions about their school community. This helps them to feel safe.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

One pupil, whose view reflected that of many, said 'reading is the best thing ever'. This is because leaders have placed reading at the centre of the curriculum. Their unwavering approach to teaching pupils to read has meant that pupils are confident, fluent readers.

Children learn to read as soon as they start school. Leaders ensure that they check regularly what pupils know. This identifies any pupils who need extra help.

They get that help swiftly. Staff model reading for pleasure when they read to pupils regularly. They also develop pupils' vocabulary successfully.

As a result, pupils love to read a range of books which they select during their regular library visits.

Leaders have developed an ambitious curriculum for pupils to learn. They have identified the important knowledge for pupils to remember.

This is broken down into clear steps in learning. The teaching of the curriculum is consistently effective. This helps pupils to focus, so there is no disruption to learning.

Despite this, in subjects beyond English and mathematics, leaders have not yet developed how they find out exactly what pupils remember. They do not plan purposeful opportunities for pupils to revisit learning in all subjects. Therefore, pupils do not remember as much as they could over time or make links between what they have learned.

The special educational needs co-ordinators ensure pupils' needs are accurately identified. They provide high-quality training to staff. Teaching ensures that pupils with SEND learn alongside their peers, through skilful scaffolding and adaptations to the curriculum.

As a result, pupils with SEND thrive. Some pupils with complex social, emotional and mental health needs learn in the Kingfisher class. Staff tailor this provision well.

Pupils learn an ambitious curriculum and, in time, successfully re-join their peers.

Leaders plan learning for children in the early years foundation stage (EYFS) that is ambitious. A recent change in leadership has strengthened this further.

Children follow routines which support them to learn effectively with their peers and become independent. For example, children talk confidently to their talk partners on the carpet. Staff plan for children to practise what they have learned.

However, the implementation of the early years curriculum is inconsistent. Sometimes, staff do not interact with children well enough to extend their learning further.

Leaders provide regular and well-considered opportunities to positively develop pupils' broader development.

This supports pupils to be well-prepared for life in modern Britain. They have re-introduced many extra-curricular clubs and visits, including residentials, that were hampered by COVID-19. Pupils respect and value people for their differences.

They understand what a stereotype is and how this can be harmful. Pupils debate and discuss different topics confidently. More recently, older pupils took part in a youth parliament.

Pupils also discuss which charities to support.

All leaders have an accurate understanding of how the school can improve further. They have a steadfast commitment to ensuring that pupils receive the best education they can.

Staff echo this vision. They feel well supported by leaders through carefully planned professional development and actions to reduce staff workload. Staff value the regular well-being events that leaders organise, including yoga, quizzes and bingo.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

The safeguarding team have robust policies and procedures in place to ensure that pupils are safe. They provide regular professional development to staff and highlight any local issues.

This means that staff are vigilant and report any concerns promptly. Leaders work with external agencies tirelessly so that families get the help that they need.

Leaders prioritise pupil safety.

They make thorough and appropriate checks when new staff start at the school. The personal, social and health education curriculum ensures pupils understand online safety, as well as how to keep themselves safe beyond school.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• Beyond English and mathematics, the use of assessment is not developed well enough.

Therefore, it is not clear what pupils know and remember in the longer term. It also hampers pupils' ability to make links between different aspects of their learning. Leaders should ensure that there are robust systems for assessment that identify gaps in learning so that pupils are supported to build up their understanding over time.

• The curriculum in the early years foundation stage is not implemented as consistently as it could be. Sometimes, staff do not communicate with children well enough to check their understanding and further their learning. Leaders should ensure that provision in the EYFS is implemented consistently well so all children know and can do more.

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