Temple Normanton Junior Academy

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About Temple Normanton Junior Academy

Name Temple Normanton Junior Academy
Ofsted Inspections
Mrs Leica Carter
Address Elm Street, Temple Normanton, Chesterfield, S42 5DW
Phone Number 01246850389
Phase Academy
Type Academy sponsor led
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 101
Local Authority Derbyshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils, staff and parents are all proud of the way in which the school has improved in recent years. They explain that the school has been 'transformed'. Parents appreciate the quality of education and support that their children get.

Comments which parents made such as, 'a gem of a school that provides a safe haven for my child' are typical.

Staff want all pupils to become 'ready for life'. They expect pupils to behave well and work hard.

Pupils are keen to learn. They explain that 'good behaviour does not go unnoticed here'. They enjoy the trips that bring learning to life, such as visiting Chesterfield to find out more about the life of George Stephenson.<...br/>
Teachers are improving the quality of the curriculum. However, this is at an earlier stage in some subjects than others. Pupils do not always remember what they have learned.

Pupils enjoy the wide range of activities on the playground at breaktimes and lunchtimes. They play happily together. They say they do not fall out often.

Bullying is rare. They explain that any disagreements are sorted out swiftly. Pupils are keen to earn badges for 'impeccable behaviour' and wear these proudly.

Pupils feel safe in school and parents agree.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Staff work together to welcome children and families to the school. New pupils make friends quickly.

Older pupils enjoy helping the youngest children at lunchtime. They make sure that Nursery children learn to carry their own plates safely and have someone to talk to while they eat.

Children settle quickly into the early years.

They listen carefully to stories that staff read. Children learn to persevere and work with increasing independence. Staff make sure that children practise the phonic sounds that they are learning.

They check that children hold a pencil correctly when they are using the sounds that they know to write words. Staff help children to understand the value of numbers. They provide activities that check children's understanding.

Children cooperate well with each other. They like the 'rainbow challenges' that they have to complete and make good use of the opportunities to learn outside.

Leaders want all pupils to learn to read well so that they can find out more about the world around them.

Pupils enjoy using the attractive library and recommending books to each other. Teachers know which sounds younger pupils remember. They make sure that the books that pupils read contain exactly these.

Pupils become fluent early readers. Older pupils choose more-demanding books to read. Teachers identify the skills that pupils need to be able to understand these texts well.

They make sure that pupils learn to identify new vocabulary and find out what these words mean. They make sure that disadvantaged pupils have the help that they need to catch up with their peers.Teachers organise their lessons in mathematics so that pupils build on what they know.

They adapt their teaching so that pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) can learn effectively alongside their peers. Teachers are developing more opportunities for pupils to use what they know to solve mathematical problems.

Pupils learn a range of subjects from a broad curriculum.

In subjects such as physical education (PE) this is well organised so that pupils build on what they have learned before. Pupils learn about a wide range of dance traditions, including the haka and Indian dance. Pupils are proud to represent their school and enjoy training to become 'bronze ambassadors' in sport.

Leaders are improving the curriculum in several subjects. They work with the trust to support staff as they take on new positions of responsibility. Teachers help colleagues to refine their planning.

For example, teachers' subject knowledge in history has improved. However, this is at an early stage in other parts of the curriculum. In some subjects pupils do not use what they have learned before to help them to deepen their understanding.

Pupils learn to become active citizens in their local community. They make a difference, such as by planting flowers in the local park or through harvest donations to local residents. Pupils are well prepared for life in modern Britain.

They explain how a visit to the Holocaust Centre has helped them to think deeply. They understand that everyone should be treated with respect.

Staff make sure that pupils with SEND get the support that they need and are well prepared for the next stage in their learning.

Morale among the staff is high. Pupils' attendance has greatly improved as pupils and their families want to make the most of all that the school offers.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Leaders make sure that staff know the signs that might indicate that a pupil is at risk of harm. Staff explain clearly what they would do if they had any concerns. Leaders track these concerns carefully and make appropriate referrals.

They work well with other agencies.

Governors check that the site is secure and make sure that staff understand the training that they have received.

Pupils learn about how to stay safe at home and when playing outside.

They also know how to stay safe online.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

The school's curriculum is not yet sufficiently coherently planned and sequenced in some subjects. However, it is clear from the actions that leaders have already taken to improve the curriculum and train staff in how to deliver it that they are in the process of bringing this about.

For this reason, the transition arrangements have been applied in this case. Leaders should make sure that the curriculum is further developed so that pupils build on what they already know in all subjects. They should continue to support subject leaders as they provide training to support their colleagues and check to make sure that pupils know more and remember more.

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