Thames View Infants

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About Thames View Infants

Name Thames View Infants
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Paul Jordan
Address Bastable Avenue, Barking, IG11 0LG
Phone Number 02082704317
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 3-7
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 399
Local Authority Barking and Dagenham
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Each individual pupil is at the heart of Thames View Infants.

Strong relationships between pupils, families and staff are fostered. These relationships underpin the culture of high achievement.Pupils engage enthusiastically with their learning and strive to achieve highly.

They are extremely well prepared to take on the challenges of the next stage of their education. Each pupil's strengths are known and developed by their teachers and by leaders. Pupils feel safe to be themselves and know that they will be listened to by adults.

Pupils' behaviour is exemplary. As soon as they start school, children learn to care for others and take responsibility for themsel...ves. They willingly engage in leadership roles.

They enjoy sitting on the school council, being 'red T-shirt leaders' and buddying pupils in other classrooms who like having their support and friendship. Through these experiences, they are supported to develop mature attitudes and new leadership skills.A wide variety of clubs, such as yoga, computing and construction, spark pupils' talents and interests.

Pupils value each other as individuals. They enjoy the opportunities to learn about people from the different religions and cultures that form the vibrant school at the centre of its community. These include sharing food at Eid, attending bhangra dance and drumming, and maypole dancing.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Everyone at Thames View is determined to provide the very best education for pupils. Each pupil benefits from leaders' relentless focus on their learning. Dedicated staff ensure that pupils have the knowledge and skills that they need to succeed.

The school's curriculum is highly ambitious and often exceeds national expectations. Pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), benefit from learning to swim. By the end of their time here, pupils achieve standards well above the national average in reading, writing and mathematics.

Pupils are calm and assured. They learn routines in Nursery which quickly become well embedded. This is clear in pupils' positive attitudes to learning across the curriculum.

For example, these routines enable pupils to work independently and use their time sensibly when working in their well-organised learning environments. In lessons, they diligently focus on their learning. At playtimes, pupils show that they value their friendships and take care of their playground equipment.

Pupils are incredibly keen to share the knowledge that they have developed effectively, from the early years up. For example, Year 1 pupils enjoy working in pairs to solve missing number problems, using correct terminology such as 'inverse'. Learning is well sequenced so that pupils can tackle more complex ideas as they move through the school.

For example, in early years, children develop their awareness of the local area, and learn how to use maps through treasure hunts. Older pupils build on this foundation well, for example by learning how to identify the seven continents on a globe.Assessment opportunities help teachers to fully understand what pupils know and remember.

Pupils talk confidently about key ideas from across the range of subjects that they learn. This helps them to grow their knowledge step by step. For example, children in early years learn about animals and hibernation.

They enjoy visiting a zoo to reinforce what they know. In Year 1, they build on this knowledge effectively and can talk accurately about omnivores, carnivores and herbivores. Pupils are proud of what they know.

Reading is central to the school's work. Pupils quickly learn to read, beginning with phonics in the early years. All staff have the expertise to teach phonics well.

They use assessment effectively to check pupils' phonics progress. If pupils fall behind, they receive the support that they need to help them to catch up. Older pupils speak with confidence and enthusiasm about their favourite books and authors.

Pupils with SEND are identified swiftly. From early years onwards, they achieve well because learning is adapted and tailored effectively to help them to succeed. Leaders ensure this through carefully thought-out provision, highly competent staff and excellent partnerships with parents and carers and outside professionals.

Parents of pupils with SEND are full of praise for how the school ensures that their children's needs are met.Partnerships with families and pupils' enjoyment of school mean that attendance is high. Leaders provide a range of effective support and guidance to families so that their children attend school regularly.

Pupils receive age-appropriate lessons about relationships and online safety. They also have lessons and experiences which help them to learn about and develop their character. For example, they participate in mock political elections and are given opportunities to 'bob a job' in the local shops to develop their understanding of work.

These activities are designed to equip pupils for life in modern Britain.Pupils learn the importance of staying healthy, including brushing their teeth daily. For instance, they are encouraged to try a range of foods from the lunch menu.

Adults sensitively support them in trying these different foods.Parents value the excellent communication and support from the school. Staff are immensely proud to work here.

They take full advantage of the opportunities provided to develop their practice and fulfil the school's vision. All aspire to do their best for pupils.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Also at this postcode
Thames View Junior School Childville Pre School @ Thamesview Community Hall Chestnut@Sue Bramley Malearn @ Thames View Junior School Thames View Extended Provision

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