The Boulevard Academy

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About The Boulevard Academy

Name The Boulevard Academy
Ofsted Inspections
Principal Mr Ray Khan
Address Massey Close, Kingston-upon-Hull, HU3 3QT
Phone Number 01482217898
Phase Academy
Type Free schools
Age Range 11-16
Religious Character None
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 687
Local Authority Kingston upon Hull, City of
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Since the last inspection, leaders have made improvements and raised ambitions for pupils. This includes improving pupil attendance and offering a wider range of subjects.

However, pupils' experiences at The Boulevard Academy are mixed. A minority of pupils do not respond appropriately to the school's behaviour policy. Other pupils, however, value the rewards system and behave well in lessons.

There is an equal focus on personal development as well as academic success.

Staff are supportive and approachable. Pupils feel that they will be listened to if they have concerns.

Pupils receive important messages about bullying and intolerant language. Most p...upils feel the school is an inclusive place where differences are accepted. Pupils have opportunities to gain a range of life experiences.

These include visits to the local university, a careers fair held at the school and talks from local business owners.

School leaders are committed to providing a high-quality education for all. They have thought carefully about how to support pupils who speak English as an additional language.

They have developed a personalised curriculum to help these pupils achieve their best. This curriculum helps pupils who speak English as an additional language develop a sense of belonging to the school community.

Pupils feel safe at school.

They have access to a number of services that support their mental and physical well-being.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Pupils study a curriculum which has been carefully planned in some subject areas. For example, in history and modern foreign languages, teachers focus precisely on what knowledge and skills pupils must develop at each stage of their learning.

Pupils' understanding in these subjects is strong. However, in other curriculum areas, there is a greater focus on skills. This means pupils do not have a detailed understanding of the important knowledge required in these subjects.

A consistent approach to assessment is not in place across the school. Staff in some subjects do not use assessment well enough to identify gaps in pupils' knowledge and understanding. As a result, pupils sometimes struggle to know how to improve their work.

Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) access the same curriculum as their peers. These pupils feel well supported in lessons. However, leaders with responsibility for pupils with SEND have not provided consistent training to staff in all subjects.

Teachers do not use the pupil information available to them consistently. They do not make adjustments that will help pupils with SEND do well in lessons.

Leaders know the pupils who require support with their reading.

Recently, leaders have started to use a wider range of strategies to support these pupils. It is early days in this regard. The effects of more recent reading interventions cannot be seen.

Pupils' behaviour in and out of lessons varies. While pupils generally know what is expected of them, some staff do not apply the behaviour policy consistently. Several staff who responded to the inspection questionnaire highlighted that, in their opinion, leaders could do more to support them to manage pupils' behaviour.

Leaders keep records of behaviour incidents, including the use of inappropriate and racist language. However, leaders do not use these records to clearly identify patterns of poor behaviour. This means that leaders cannot take action to reduce such incidents over time.

Pupils develop an understanding of how to play an active role in society. They take part in the school council, raise money for charity and participate in a wide range of extra-curricular activities. Pupils are prepared for life in modern Britain.

They learn about tolerance and diversity. Enrichment days provide the opportunity for pupils to learn about important topics, such as mental health.

A well-planned careers curriculum is in place for all pupils.

Pupils receive unbiased careers advice. Pupils with SEND receive additional support when moving on to post-16 education, employment or training. Pupils in Year 10 undertake work experience to prepare them for the world of work.

Staff benefit from attending and participation in carefully selected professional development training, for example linked to safeguarding. However, staff require more training to deliver changes to the curriculum and assessment. Many of the changes leaders have implemented are new.

Some of these changes have not had the impact leaders desire. Trustees challenge leaders to ensure that the right actions are being taken over time. However, some staff feel that regular policy changes happen without considering their workload.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Leaders responsible for safeguarding implement appropriate strategies to minimise the risk of harm to pupils. They make sure pupils understand how to stay safe.

This includes educating pupils about risks online and in the wider community. Staff understand their role in safeguarding within the school. They are clear about how to report a concern they may have regarding a pupil.

Leaders follow up on safeguarding concerns about pupils quickly and involve parents and external agencies to support their work. A dedicated well-being team in school ensures vulnerable pupils get the additional support needed. Additional staff are being trained to increase the school's safeguarding capacity.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• In some subjects, leaders have not carefully considered the knowledge they want pupils to learn over time. This means teachers cannot effectively adapt their teaching so that all pupils reach clear end points in their learning. Leaders must ensure that curriculum plans clearly set out the knowledge, as well as the skills, they expect pupils to demonstrate at each stage of their learning.

• Teachers do not use assessment consistently to identify precisely what pupils do and do not know. As a result, in some subjects, pupils have gaps in their knowledge and understanding. Leaders must ensure new assessment processes are implemented effectively so that staff are able to identify gaps in pupils' understanding and plan future learning to address these.

• Leaders do not carefully track or analyse patterns of inappropriate and racist language. As a result, they are not able to monitor the small number of pupils who persistently fail to meet behaviour expectations and intervene appropriately. Leaders must develop effective processes that allow them to identify pupils causing concern and take strong action to reduce the number of incidents occurring over time.

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