The Galfrid School

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About The Galfrid School

Name The Galfrid School
Ofsted Inspections
Mrs Claire Macfie
Address Galfrid Road, Cambridge, CB5 8ND
Phone Number 01223603787
Phase Academy
Type Academy sponsor led
Age Range 4-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 287
Local Authority Cambridgeshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils enjoy attending The Galfrid School.

They are positive about their daily experiences, including the books that teachers read to them, the clubs they attend and the friendships that they have. Pupils feel safe, which is due to the strong, respectful relationships they have with adults in the school. They know that the adults will sort out any problems that arise.

Pupils behave well and enjoy their learning. During lessons, pupils are focused and engaged in what they are doing. When working together, they are respectful of each other's opinions.

They appreciate that everyone has different ways to prepare to learn.

Pupils learn to talk about, and ...manage, their emotions. They make good use of a range of techniques, including mindfulness breathing and reflection time, to do this.

Pupils know staff are available to help them. This enables pupils to be ready to learn each day.

There is a wide range of extra-curricular opportunities available.

These are carefully planned to align with the curriculum and include trips to an open air museum and Hunstanton. The trips are well attended by all pupils. These opportunities ensure that pupils have first-hand experiences that help them to remember more of what they learn in class.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Since the school opened, it has gone from strength to strength. The staff have worked together to have a clear vision and a common aim to 'bring out the best in everyone'. Staff have designed the ambitious curriculum around the pupils who attend the school.

They ensure that pupils get experiences that they might otherwise not have.

In most subjects, the school has organised the knowledge that pupils learn so that it builds over time. However, in a few subjects, subject leaders are not clear on how children in the early years are prepared for the curriculum in Year 1.

A few members of staff also do not have the knowledge they need to teach a few subjects. In these subjects, pupils do not have as secure an understanding as they do in other subjects. Pupils cannot remember and use some important subject knowledge because they have not been taught it accurately.

The school has adapted and personalised the curriculum for all pupils, especially those with special education needs and/or disabilities (SEND). Staff ensure that pupils with SEND are ready to learn. The school works well with external agencies to ensure that pupils with SEND receive the provision that they need.

This enables pupils with SEND to make strong progress.

The school prioritises reading, right from the start. Children in the early years start to learn letter sounds in the first few weeks of Reception.

Staff are well trained to teach phonics effectively. The books that the pupils read are well matched to the sounds that they are learning so that they can practise these using their phonics knowledge. Alongside this, teachers' regular assessments ensure that they know which pupils need extra support.

This helps most pupils to make strong progress.

Pupils have access to a wide range of books in the school library. Pupils are confident to discuss various authors and why they enjoy reading their books.

They like to read different types of texts, which sometimes make them want to read more of that genre or author. As a result, many pupils enjoy reading.

The school sets high expectations for pupils' behaviour.

These start in the early years, where children learn to follow routines and rules and why these are important. Staff apply the behaviour policy consistently. Pupils know what is expected of them.

Staff manage the few instances of poor behaviour well. Pupils are resilient and take pride in their work.

The school's personal development curriculum has been well structured and developed.

Class reading books are carefully chosen to ensure that pupils learn about a range of cultures and beliefs different to their own. Pupils can have positions of responsibility within their class and/or the school. The school council makes sure everyone, therefore, has their say.

Pupils' views are heard and acted on.

The school values its staff. Staff value the personalised, high-quality training that ensures they teach a curriculum suitable for all pupils.

Workload and well-being are carefully considered by the school at all levels. The school ensures that all staff have the chance to be heard.

Since the school opened, the trust and governors have worked closely with staff.

There have been many changes to improve the provision, which are having a positive impact for the pupils at the school.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• A few staff do not have the knowledge they need to be able to teach some subjects as intended.

In these subjects, pupils do not build effectively on their previous learning. This means they have gaps in their knowledge and understanding. The school must ensure that staff receive the same high-quality training that they have in other areas in order to teach all subjects well and as intended.

Not all subject leaders are aware of the early years' curriculum and the work the children are completing in preparation for the national curriculum. Leaders cannot accurately support staff in ensuring that pupils' learning is building on what they have learned in the early years. The school should ensure that all subject leaders know what they want children to know at the end of the early years curriculum so that pupils have a firm foundation of knowledge to build on in Year 1 in all subjects.

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