The Heathland School

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About The Heathland School

Name The Heathland School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mr J.M Rose
Address Wellington Road South, Hounslow, TW4 5JD
Phone Number 02085724411
Phase Secondary
Type Community school
Age Range 11-18
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 1863
Local Authority Hounslow
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils, and students in the sixth form, receive an exceptional education. Leaders have high expectations for all, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). As a result, pupils are highly motivated to achieve well.

Pupils are courteous and keen to help others. They learn how to stay safe including when online. Pupils know how to raise concerns should they arise and are confident staff will resolve these quickly.

Leaders have high expectations for pupils' conduct. They behave well, and those who are not consistently meeting the school's expectations are well supported to do so. As a result, pupils are kept safe at school.

All pu...pils benefit from the provision on offer that extends beyond the academic. For example, pupils take part in a wide range of activities to develop their interests, including basketball, chess, Japanese and philosophy. Pupils demonstrate their talents through the Gala Concert and 'Heathland's Got Talent' as well as the school's Shakespeare productions.

Pupils are trusted to take on responsibility and support younger pupils across the school. For example, students in Year 12 volunteer to act as reading buddies for pupils in Year 7. They receive training and then self-manage this club, helping to foster a positive reading culture across the school.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders have crafted an excellent curriculum that is broad and ambitious for all pupils. In each subject, the important knowledge and skills that pupils need to secure has been clearly identified. This is sequenced well so that pupils practise and embed key ideas and subject-specific vocabulary.

This helps them to tackle more complex ideas with confidence. For example, in religious education, pupils consider key questions that build in complexity over time. Younger pupils consider the nature of God, before considering different religious and non-religious views.

This supports older pupils to apply this to ethical and philosophical questions of free will and morality. Teachers use their subject knowledge expertly to explain new ideas and to check that pupils use terminology with precision. This supports pupils to understand the diversity within religions and deepen their understanding.

Across the school, pupils develop very secure understanding in different subjects. This means that they are well prepared for the next stage of their education or training.

Reading is a priority.

Leaders identify any gaps in pupils' knowledge and skills, and provide intervention support for those that need to catch up. As a result, pupils develop confidence in reading and can access the ambitious curriculum on offer. Pupils with SEND are identified in a timely way.

Staff are well-trained and provide appropriate support so that pupils can access the same curriculum as their peers, where this is possible.

Leaders have recently implemented new systems for behaviour. Pupils conduct themselves well, and low-level disruption in lessons is not tolerated.

Bullying is very rare, and pupils know how to report concerns. During less formal times in the school day, recent changes are not as embedded. Leaders are aware of this and are persistent in working closely with pupils to ensure that they meet the school's high expectations.

Attendance and punctuality are checked carefully. This helps to ensure that pupils attend school regularly and on time.

The provision for pupils' personal development is exceptional.

Through the carefully designed programme for personal, social and health education, pupils learn about important topics such as relationships and shared values of tolerance. The tutor programme and house assemblies revisit these key ideas and pupils in older years lead discussions with younger peers. Across the school, the careers programme provides pupils, and students in the sixth form, with a thorough understanding of the world of work.

This includes subject-specific careers advice and mentoring, and using local expertise where possible to ensure that pupils have continuing opportunities to access resources.

The programme for personal development is designed so that pupils, including those with SEND, have access to a range of activities. These include participating in a range of sports, visits to universities and meeting famous local authors.

Many of these opportunities happen during the school day so that pupils have equal access to them.

Staff, including those at the early stages of their careers, feel that their workload is considered, including when changes are made. Ongoing training is developmental.

For example, staff routinely share subject knowledge and collaborate across their teams to refine the curriculum. As a result, retention of staff is high, and pupils benefit from the expertise in departments.

Those responsible for governance have a detailed understanding of the school's strengths and areas for development.

Governors administer their roles effectively. They have used their experience to support and challenge leaders appropriately.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

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