The Hertfordshire & Essex High School and Science College
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About The Hertfordshire & Essex High School and Science College
The Hertfordshire & Essex High School and Science College
The school's motto of 'Excellence for All' runs through all aspects of this exceptional school. The school has the highest ambitions for what pupils can achieve.
It provides the help and guidance pupils need to achieve them.
Pupils consistently rise to meet the high expectations that the school sets for them. As a result, pupils excel both academically and in wider school life.
Pupils benefit from the calm and purposeful atmosphere that they experience both in and out of lessons. This orderly environment enables all pupils to thrive. Pupils look out for each other and welcome new pupils and visitors with kindness.
Pupils value the rich and extensive ...range of activities available to them. This includes a range of subject clubs and a comprehensive list of music and sports opportunities. Pupils regularly go on trips and visits.
The school encourages pupils to be the best they can be. Pupils develop their leadership opportunities across all year groups. These are linked to the school's values of resilience, respect, compassion, creativity, independence and initiative.
Through this, many pupils help to make the school better and improve the experience for all.
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
The school has an ambitious and well-constructed curriculum across all key stages. Leaders continually review and adapt the curriculum to ensure it offers the best opportunities for pupils, including in the sixth form.
Recent enhancements include the introduction of new qualifications and vocational pathways. These help pupils to pursue aspirations they might not have considered before.
Teachers have expert knowledge of the subjects that they teach.
Teachers make use of regular assessment. They use what they learn from this to adapt their teaching. This helps to close learning gaps and to address pupils' misconceptions.
This helps pupils to achieve highly. This is reflected in the examination results that pupils achieve.
Reading is a whole-school priority.
Pupils have regular opportunities to read and to study challenging texts across the curriculum. The school library is a hive of activity. Pupils take a leading role in selecting books and helping to run this important part of the school.
Pupils who struggle to read are identified early. They are given the specific help they need to read well. This increases their confidence and enjoyment of reading.
Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) develop the knowledge and skills they need to succeed in their studies. Their needs are identified early and continually reviewed. Pupils with SEND benefit from high-quality teaching.
Where pupils have a specific need, the school provides effective support and provision. Pupils with SEND achieve highly.
Pupils' behaviour is exemplary.
They demonstrate highly positive conduct. Pupils' attitudes towards learning are exceptional. They show high levels of resilience when faced with challenging tasks.
Pupils are kind and caring to each other. They work together to make the school a warm and welcoming place through their day-to-day interactions and through more formal roles, such as peer mentoring.
Pupils attend school regularly.
The school challenges pupils' absence at the earliest opportunity. Tailored support is offered to a very small number of pupils who do not attend as well as they could. This helps to improve their attendance.
There is a rich and wide programme for pupils' personal development. It is well planned and closely integrated with the curriculum. For example, what pupils learn about online safety is planned and taught across all areas of the curriculum, ensuring that pupils build on what they already know.
This joined-up approach ensures that important knowledge is continually reinforced. This is complemented by a strong 'co-curriculum offer', including clubs and other opportunities that enable pupils to pursue new interests and develop wider cultural understanding.
The school provides high-quality careers information and guidance.
There is a comprehensive and varied whole-school offer. This includes work experience and regular opportunities to engage with employers, colleges and universities. This is supported by more bespoke approaches for those who wish to pursue specific pathways.
Teachers regularly link what pupils learn in their lessons to careers and higher education pathways.
Trustees and governors have a bold and ambitious vision for the school. They have the knowledge and information they need to provide effective support and challenge to the school.
Staff are proud to work at the school. Leaders continually look for ways to improve staff's workload and well-being.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.