The Pines Primary School

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About The Pines Primary School

Name The Pines Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Mrs Kerry Darby
Address Manor Wood, Red Lodge, Bury St. Edmunds, IP28 8WL
Phone Number 01638790135
Phase Academy
Type Free schools
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character None
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 222
Local Authority Suffolk
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils flourish at The Pines Primary School. They arrive each morning ready and keen to learn. Staff greet every pupil with welcoming smiles.

Pupils enjoy trusting relationships with adults. This ensures that pupils settle well at school and feel safe.

Pupils understand how adults expect them to work and behave.

Pupils contribute well in lessons. Classrooms are calm and purposeful. Pupils are polite and well mannered.

They are accepting of one another and welcoming to new pupils who start at the school. As one pupil said, 'This school is special because we have friendly relationships with one another.'

Pupils know that bullying is not accep...table at their school.

Events such as 'kindness day' teach pupils about respect and tolerance. Pupils say that they can speak to adults about any concerns. They know adults will act swiftly to help them.

Pupils are keen to reflect the school's values, the 'six C's', through their work and play. They understand the importance of demonstrating them and recognising them in one another. Weekly assemblies celebrate their achievement of the values.

They help to build pupils' pride in themselves and their school.

Parents have very positive views about the school. One typical comment being 'The Pines Primary School, put simply, is brilliant.'

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders have developed a broad and ambitious curriculum. It is well organised. It sets out clearly the things pupils need to know from their start in the early years to Year 6.

Leaders ensure that their plans are regularly checked and make changes as necessary. This ensures that the curriculum is continually strengthened, so that pupils build their knowledge well.

Most teachers have strong subject knowledge and deliver leaders' curriculum plans well.

They use their knowledge effectively to build pupils' understanding. This helps pupils to make links in learning and recall their knowledge. For example, in science, pupils' understanding of sound helped them to design ear defenders.

In some aspects of the curriculum, not all teachers have secure subject knowledge. This means that they do not ensure that pupils fully grasp the important things they need to know.

Teachers make regular checks of pupils' learning.

This is important because some pupils join the school at different starting times. Teachers ask questions at the start of topics. They adapt their plans to address any gaps in pupils' knowledge.

Teachers check that pupils remember what they have learned from one lesson to the next. This means that pupils are building their knowledge over time.

Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) achieve well.

Leaders ensure that pupils' needs are quickly identified and receive appropriate support. Pupils' individual plans identify targets as small steps. Staff use these plans successfully to ensure pupils with SEND access the full curriculum.

Leaders have placed reading at the heart of the curriculum. The learning of phonics begins as soon as the children start in early years. There is a consistent approach to the teaching of phonics.

Staff make careful checks about how securely pupils build their knowledge of phonics. Pupils who find reading difficult receive extra help and support. Pupils have a wide selection of books to choose from the recently furnished library.

They are keen to get 'stars in the jar' as rewards to practise their reading regularly.

Pupils have positive attitudes to their learning. They are attentive and respond quickly to any requests from adults.

They present their work neatly, reflecting the pride they have in their work and the school.

Pupils clearly explain their understanding of difference and equality. They learn about different faiths and cultures.

Pupils have opportunities to develop ideas of citizenship through roles, such as school councillors. Older pupils willingly support younger pupils whether at playtimes or helping with reading. Pupils learn about how to keep healthy and develop healthy relationships in an age-appropriate way.

School clubs are mostly focused upon sports. Pupils do not get enough opportunities to develop their interests across different activities. Leaders are aware of this and have plans to promote wider opportunities.

The trust provides a range of training to support staff's professional development. This has supported the development of the curriculum. Staff consider that leaders support their workload, helping them to focus on their roles in school.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Leaders have ensured that there is a strong culture of safeguarding at the school. Staff are well trained and clear about their responsibilities for keeping pupils safe.

They are quick to report any concerns no matter how small. Leaders take immediate action to follow up any concerns. Record-keeping is robust and detailed.

Leaders tenaciously pursue any concerns, so that vulnerable pupils and families receive the help they need.

Pupils understand about keeping themselves safe whether in or out of school. They know about the dangers of using the internet and how to report their concerns.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• Not all staff have secure subject knowledge to teach every part of the curriculum consistently well. This means that they do not always successfully address some misconceptions in pupils' understanding. Leaders should ensure that teachers receive the training to strengthen their subject knowledge, so that they implement leaders curriculum plans effectively.

• Pupils do not have access to a wide range of clubs and activities to help promote and nurture their interests. This means that they are not fully prepared for their next stages of education. Leaders should ensure that they act upon their plans to provide pupils with a range of opportunities to strengthen the promotion of pupils' personal development.

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