Thornborough Infant School

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About Thornborough Infant School

Name Thornborough Infant School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs Laura Passenger
Address High Street, Thornborough, Buckingham, MK18 2DF
Phone Number 01280812219
Phase Primary
Type Community school
Age Range 3-7
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 33
Local Authority Buckinghamshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils thrive in this happy, inclusive school. They benefit from a warm and caring environment, where every child is known well. As one parent commented, 'This is a small school with a huge heart.'

The school has high expectations for pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). The school's curriculum is ambitious and provides pupils with a rich and stimulating education. Pupils work hard.

They demonstrate a high level of commitment and a thirst for learning.

Pupils behave exceptionally well in and around the school. They are always kind and respectful.

They play happily together, taking advantage of ...a wide range of engaging activities. In lessons, there is no disruption to learning. Pupils learn routines very quickly and enjoy taking on positions of responsibility within their school as 'champions' and 'ambassadors'.

There is an extensive range of opportunities open to all pupils. They attend forest school, after-school and lunchtime clubs and participate in local sporting events. The school ensures that, over time, all pupils take part.

Pupils appreciate these opportunities. They are proud to represent their school and support their community, for example, by singing to local elderly residents and delivering parcels to their local foodbank.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The school prioritises reading.

Children start learning to read as soon as they enter Reception. The school has ensured that staff are trained well to deliver phonics. They follow a rigorous phonics programme.

Teachers' careful checks quickly identify any gaps in pupils' knowledge, which are addressed promptly. Consequently, pupils catch up quickly. The school library is thoughtfully resourced to reflect the curriculum and pupils' broader interests.

Children in early years enjoy sharing books together and learning rhymes and songs. All pupils greatly enjoy listening to stories, particularly from the weekly 'Mystery Reader'. Teachers make sure that pupils read books that match the sounds they know.

As a result, pupils, learn to read quickly.

The school implements a broad and ambitious curriculum, which builds progressively from the start in Reception. Curriculum knowledge and skills are organised in a logical manner, which helps all pupils, including those with SEND, to remember what they have been taught over time.

For example, in science, pupils could accurately recall names of body parts, the senses and discuss the conditions needed for human and plant life to survive. In early years and beyond, there is a strong focus on supporting pupils to become confident mathematicians. The school ensures pupils develop a secure foundation in number skills and knowledge, using subject-specific vocabulary.

Teachers have good subject knowledge and pupils have highly positive attitudes to learning in all subjects. Teachers make sure pupils have the knowledge they need to help them understand new subject content. Occasionally, the activities teachers set in some lessons are not matched to some pupils' needs as precisely as they could be.

When this happens, pupils do not always learn as much as they could.

The school has a rich and varied programme for personal development. Pupils learn how to keep themselves physically and mentally healthy exceptionally well.

In early years, pupils have a very good understanding of how to take care of their bodies, for example, by exercising, eating healthy foods and brushing their teeth. The school has very carefully planned trips and visitors to enhance the pupils' spiritual, moral and cultural development. These are skilfully woven into the curriculum.

The school places high value on learning beyond the classroom. There are numerous opportunities for all pupils to develop their talents and interests. For example, pupils can learn a musical instrument, deepen their art skills and learn to cook.

Pupils talk confidently about different faiths and are welcoming of all people.

From early years onwards, children learn the school rules and routines exceptionally well. They share, take turns and develop resilience.

For example, when role playing being in a doctors' surgery, children were able to sustain their learning for long periods of time. Pupils across the school learn the school's values very securely and respect differences between people. As one pupil said, 'There are no bullies here'.

Pupils really enjoy school and attend regularly.

Governors are ambitious for all pupils and are deeply committed to the school. They carry out their roles effectively.

They have a strong vision for the school to be at the heart of its community. Staff are proud to work at the school and have great confidence in leaders' actions to support them. Leaders' approachable manner and care for staff are particularly appreciated.

They are committed to making sure staff workload is manageable. Parents are overwhelmingly positive about the school.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• Occasionally, activity choices do not match the needs of pupils fully effectively. This means that some pupils do not always achieve as well as they could. The school should continue to develop pedagogical approaches, which translate into consistently strong teaching of the curriculum.

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