Watermoor Church of England Primary School

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About Watermoor Church of England Primary School

Name Watermoor Church of England Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
This inspection rating relates to a predecessor school. When a school converts to an academy, is taken over or closes and reopens as a new school a formal link is created between the new school and the old school, by the Department for Education. Where the new school has not yet been inspected, we show the inspection history of the predecessor school, as we believe it still has significance.
Mrs Lois Smith
Address Kingshill Lane, Cirencester, GL7 1SY
Phone Number 01285653817
Phase Academy
Type Academy sponsor led
Age Range 4-11
Religious Character Church of England
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 194
Local Authority Gloucestershire
Highlights from Latest Inspection
This inspection rating relates to a predecessor school. When a school converts to an academy, is taken over or closes and reopens as a new school a formal link is created between the new school and the old school, by the Department for Education. Where the new school has not yet been inspected, we show the inspection history of the predecessor school, as we believe it still has significance.

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils enjoy coming to school and are keen to learn. However, the very poor behaviour of a few pupils is disturbing the learning of others.

Most pupils behave well, but they feel stressed and anxious when they witness incidents of disruptive behaviour in class and on the playground. They sometimes have to leave the classroom so that things can be sorted out. Pupils, parents and staff are concerned.

They want incidents of this type to be eradicated from the school.

Pupils make progress in English, mathematics and science, but in other subjects, such as history, geography or music, they do not learn as well. This is because the curriculum is not taught in as mu...ch depth.

Pupils enjoy these subjects and would like to learn more.

Pupils trust classroom and playground staff to keep them safe. They say they are listened to and helped if friends fall out.

Pupils are adamant bullying is rare.

Children in the pre-school and Reception classes are encouraged to be curious and independent learners. They behave well.

Their classrooms are calm and welcoming.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Senior leaders have a poor grip on pupils' behaviour. The disruption caused by the behaviour of a few pupils is having an adverse effect on school life.

Staff do not feel well supported, and morale is low. Pupils are losing learning time. Leaders address individual incidents but lack a precise overall picture of what is happening and when.

They have no clear strategy for how the current situation will be improved.

There is no planned pastoral support. This inhibits the full inclusion not just of pupils with behavioural difficulties but also others with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).

Some individual behaviour plans are too complex for the school to manage. Staff regularly give pupils gold stickers for good behaviour. When pupils misbehave, the consistency of the policy breaks down.

Governors have recognised that a review of the behaviour policy is urgently needed.

The curriculum lacks overall leadership. As a result, it is unbalanced.

English, mathematics, science, physical education, personal, social and health education and religious education are taught in appropriate depth. However, in other subjects, the curriculum does not help pupils to develop a rich body of knowledge. What pupils need to learn in these subjects is not clearly planned.

Teachers do not identify precisely what pupils have been taught before. For example, pupils do not remember what they have been learning in geography. Pupils lack basic geographical knowledge and vocabulary.

This limits particularly the achievement of pupils with SEND. Some aspects of the history curriculum are planned and taught more clearly, such as chronology.

Staff in the early years plan purposeful opportunities for children to learn about the world.

In the pre-school, children go outside to listen for interesting sounds. On a sunny day, they explore shadows. Children in the Reception class create and label their own maps of their town.

The early years curriculum is rich. Children are gaining scientific and geographic knowledge and vocabulary in meaningful ways that are appropriate for the age of the children.

Phonics is taught well.

There is an established programme and staff deliver it effectively. Pupils at the beginning of key stage 2 who need to catch up in reading join in the phonics sessions. In Reception, children can blend simple sounds to read.

Standards of phonics knowledge in Year 1 are higher than in previous years. These pupils made strong progress in the early years despite interruptions caused by the pandemic. All pupils at the early stages of reading practise with books that reinforce phonics knowledge.

This is particularly helping disadvantaged pupils and those with SEND to catch up.

There is a new approach to teaching reading across the school. In lessons, pupils discuss their class books with their teachers.

Leaders recognise that in key stage 2, teachers need more training for this approach to be fully effective. Pupils are enthusiastic about their personal reading.

Pupils understand the Christian values they are taught, such as generosity, hope and kindness.

They are not given enough information about fundamental British values. Pupils vote for house captains, but do not recognise this as democracy. Pupils visit places of worship for different religions to broaden their cultural understanding.

Breakfast club is a positive start to the day for pupils who attend. There have been no clubs this term. Some parents are disappointed about this gap in opportunity for their children.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Staff are vigilant about children's welfare. They quickly spot signs that a pupil could be at risk of harm.

They report these concerns conscientiously and promptly to senior leaders using the school's electronic system. Staff have had appropriate training.

When appropriate, leaders contact agencies who can provide support for families.

They are confident to discuss concerns with parents. The school checks promptly on the whereabouts of pupils persistently absent from school to ensure they are safe.

The school checks on adults' suitability to work with children.

Records are well kept.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• Leaders have not taken effective action to tackle the challenging behaviour of a group of pupils. As a result, there are incidents where learning is disrupted, and the well-being of staff and pupils is adversely affected.

Leaders should develop an effective pastoral programme to better support pupils' behaviour. They should ensure that policies and practices to secure good behaviour are robust and followed consistently. ? Leaders do not have a full understanding of the number and nature of incidents where learning is disrupted.

They cannot then ensure that support is going to the right place at the right time. Leaders should improve their overall understanding of the standard of behaviour in the school and ensure staff have the ability to manage this behaviour. Staff should understand how and when to seek support.

• Leaders do not maintain an accurate oversight of the curriculum. They have not recognised that it is unbalanced. Pupils do not learn as well in some subjects as they do in others.

Senior leaders should ensure that pupils experience a curriculum in all subjects that allows them to learn and remember what they should. ? Curriculum plans do not set out precisely what should be taught in the foundation subjects. Teachers are not clear about what pupils already know.

Leaders should ensure that planning clearly sequences essential knowledge so that teaching is more precisely linked to pupils' next steps. ? Curriculum leaders who have responsibility for the foundation subjects do not have the capacity to support whole-school development in their subject. Leaders should ensure the relevant curriculum leaders develop the expertise to enable them to carry out their roles effectively.

• The school's curriculum does not give pupils sufficient information about British values. They are then not well prepared for some aspects of life in modern Britain. Pupils' knowledge of British values should be strengthened.

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