Whitchurch Primary School & Nursery

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About Whitchurch Primary School & Nursery

Name Whitchurch Primary School & Nursery
Website http://www.whitchurchprimary.harrow.sch.uk
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mr Martin Thompson-Lawrie
Address Wemborough Road, Stanmore, HA7 2EQ
Phone Number 02089515380
Phase Primary
Type Community school
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 852
Local Authority Harrow
Highlights from Latest Inspection

Summary of key findings for parents and pupils

This is a good school The headteacher has put in place a wide range of actions to improve teaching and tackle a dip in performance during the recent amalgamation. Leaders and governors are quite aware what needs to be done next to meet their aims. They are working hard together to stabilise the school, improve the quality of teaching and pupils' outcomes.

Teaching is good and attainment is rising. Teaching is particularly effective in Years 5 and 6, where pupils make strong progress. Governors share the headteacher's ambition and vision for the school.

They question leaders carefully to ensure that action planned is having an impact on the pupils. The new team... of leaders are ambitious for the school. Several are already making a significant impact in their areas of responsibility.

Pupils' behaviour is generally impeccable in lessons and around the school. Classrooms are purposeful. The school is calm and orderly.

Good teaching in a stimulating setting is leading to children making good progress in the early years. Pupils show great tolerance and respect for others. Pupils say they feel safe and that the school teaches them how to avoid and deal with risks.

School leaders are fostering strong pupil leadership skills. Pupils can take on one of a wide range of responsibilities by applying for jobs and going through a formal interview. Pupils make strong progress in their understanding of phonics and the application of their skills to support their reading.

The curriculum is kept continually under review. It is being overhauled so programmes stay fresh and relevant to each group of pupils. Teaching is not consistently of the highest standard.

Not all teachers question pupils deeply enough to check their understanding. Some teachers do not pick up when pupils have secured a skill in mathematics and move them on more rapidly in their learning. Some of the new procedures and systems are not fully embedded in the work of all staff.

The system for tracking pupils' progress is new. Not all leaders are using it effectively to identify where teachers need further training and guidance.

Information about this school

The school is well above average in size.

Pupil numbers are rising as the school expands to four forms of entry. The school was formed by the amalgamation of the infant and junior schools in April 2015. This new school has experienced a considerable turnover of staff since then, including at headship level.

Most Year 2 and Year 6 teachers left the school at Easter 2017, immediately before pupils in their classes sat national tests. The current headteacher took up the post on a temporary basis in December 2016 having previously been deputy headteacher at the junior school. She became substantive headteacher in April 2017.

Almost all pupils are from a wide range of minority ethnic backgrounds with one third from families of Indian heritages. Most pupils speak English as an additional language. This figure is well above average.

The proportion of pupils who have SEN and/or disabilities is average but has risen considerably over the last two years. A below average and falling proportion of pupils are supported by additional government funding. Children in the early years provision attend the nursery part-time and the four Reception classes full-time.

The privately run before-school club is inspected separately. The school meets the government's current floor standards. These set the minimum expectations for pupils' attainment and progress in reading, writing and mathematics.

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