William Farr CofE Comprehensive School

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About William Farr CofE Comprehensive School

Name William Farr CofE Comprehensive School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mr Jonathan Knowler
Address Lincoln Road, Welton, Lincoln, LN2 3JB
Phone Number 01673866900
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 11-18
Religious Character Church of England
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 1428
Local Authority Lincolnshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils and students in the sixth form appreciate that the school's values of 'compassion, friendship, perseverance, respect, responsibility and wisdom' really mean something to them. They say that their teachers not only help them to be good pupils, but they also help them to become 'good humans'.

Pupils are confident that bullying is rare.

It is dealt with swiftly and effectively. Diversity and equality are promoted. Pupils welcome difference.

There is an active LGBTQ+ community. Positive action is taken to address misogynistic language and behaviour.

Teachers have high expectations of all pupils' behaviour.

In lessons, pupils are well beha...ved, thoroughly engaged and focused on their learning.

Teachers encourage pupils to achieve excellence. Pupils benefit from high levels of ambition within the curriculum.

The house system helps pupils to make friends across all year groups. Pupils welcome the prospect of inter-house activities and competitions. They are proud of the raft of fund-raising events that take place to raise money for local charities.

Pupils agree that the 'House Bake Off' was a great success!

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders have established a well-thought-through curriculum. They ensure that pupils study a broad range of subjects. They are keen that pupils develop a love of the subjects that they study.

At key stages 4 and 5, pupils study an academic curriculum that prepares them well for their next steps.

In most subjects there is no discernible difference in the curriculum goals for pupils with SEND. The curriculum for these pupils is ambitious.

However, sometimes, the curriculum is not always adapted successfully so as to ensure that these goals are met. Some pupils with SEND could achieve more.

Teachers are experts in the subjects they teach.

They use their expertise effectively. Assessment is used skilfully to check what pupils have learned and remembered.

Pupils at earlier stages of reading receive helpful support as soon as they enter the school.

The love of reading is successfully promoted. Pupils are introduced to a wide range of texts of different genres. Pupils routinely visit the school library.

They said that they enjoy getting engrossed in a book.

Most pupils behave well. However, not all staff manage behaviour consistently.

The behaviour policy lacks clarity about how teachers should manage incidents of poor behaviour.Personal development is a strength of the school. Pupils benefit from a well-planned and thorough personal, social and health education curriculum.

Staff help pupils make well-informed choices, including decisions about future careers.

Extensive extra-curricular opportunities exist for pupils to develop their interests and talents. Pupils are involved in music, the arts and sport.

There is also a popular 'knit and natter' club. The 'fusion' group is well attended. Many of these activities are enjoyed at lunchtime.

More could be done to ensure that disadvantaged pupils benefit fully from these opportunities.

The school's work to ensure that pupils engage with 'life in all its fullness' is effective. The spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of pupils is of high quality.

It is embedded throughout school life. Pupils said that great care was taken to educate them in a well-rounded way.

Students in the sixth form are fully involved in the life of the school.

They are positive role models. They value the care and support that they receive from their teachers. They say that teachers 'hold our hand just enough to give us the confidence to go on to make wise independent choices'.

Staff said that they felt trusted by leaders. They appreciate the opportunities they receive for professional development. They know that sensible measures are in place to help them manage their workload.

One member of staff spoke for many when they said: 'This school is the happiest and nicest place to work in. I am proud of our school!'


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

There is a strong safeguarding ethos within the school.

Pupils said that they feel safe in school. They said that they have people to turn to if they need help. Currently, records do not always reflect the full extent of the support that pupils receive to keep them safe.

Leaders are aware of this and are acting to address the matter.

Staff within the 'hub' provide valuable support for pupils who may need specialist counsel, help and guidance.

Staff are trained well to spot signs of safeguarding concerns.

They know what to do if safeguarding matters are brought to their attention.

The processes in place to safely recruit members of staff meet statutory requirements.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• The curriculum in a few subjects is not yet successfully adapted for pupils with SEND.

This means that some pupils with SEND do not achieve as well as they could. Leaders must make sure that the ambitious curriculum is adapted across all subjects so that it meets the needs of pupils with SEND. ? Some disadvantaged pupils do not yet benefit from the rich extra-curricular activities that are offered.

This means that some pupils miss out on new opportunities. Leaders must ensure that disadvantaged pupils are encouraged to take part in the wider curriculum and to develop broader interests and talents. ? There is insufficient clarity about how any poor pupil behaviour should be managed.

This can be confusing for pupils. Leaders must ensure that everyone is aware of the correct procedures for managing pupils' behaviour. They must make sure these procedures are consistently followed.

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