Woodingdean Primary School

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About Woodingdean Primary School

Name Woodingdean Primary School
Website http://www.woodingdean.brighton-hove.sch.uk
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs Gemma Chumnansin
Address Warren Road, Woodingdean, Brighton, BN2 6BB
Phone Number 01273680811
Phase Primary
Type Community school
Age Range 4-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 374
Local Authority Brighton and Hove
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils are polite, considerate and welcome you with a smile. They endeavour to meet the high expectations set by staff.

They know that staff care about all of them and are proud of each and every one of them. A parent commented, 'Staff want the very best. I feel happy sending our daughter to school every day knowing that she is happy and thriving.'

Children in the early years get off to the best start with endless opportunities to 'discover and do'. Children adore the well-thought-out and ever-changing learning environment that enables them to investigate, be curious, get creative and explore.

Pupils behave well throughout the school, including the... busy and active playtimes.

They are encouraged to explore, cooperate and have fun through play. Pupils are proud that they have helped to decide the playtime resources. They use them well, sharing and playing together while being incredibly creative.

For example, pupils worked together well during playtime to perform an impromptu dance to other pupils, who sang along to support them.

Pupils are happy and feel safe in school. Bullying rarely happens and is dealt with quickly and well by staff if it does.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders have revised the curriculum, ensuring it is purposeful, broad and balanced. From the early years, strong foundations are laid and meaningful, enriching experiences bring learning to life exceptionally well. The curriculum is ambitious for all pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities.

Leaders know their pupils well. They ensure that staff know how to identify any additional need and to adapt learning to allow all pupils to succeed.

Leaders have focused on identifying the key knowledge and vocabulary pupils need to know.

Staff skilfully interact with pupils to extend, check understanding and enrich spoken language. This is a particular strength in the early years, where children are introduced to new vocabulary. Leaders have ensured that staff share a consistent approach in teaching the core subjects and outcomes are improving.

Leaders recognise further work is needed to embed the wider planned curriculum and to ensure that assessment supports staff to identify and address gaps in pupils' knowledge.

Leaders have made reading and developing pupils' interest in reading a high priority across the school. Pupils learn to read with confidence through a structured programme that starts in Reception.

Adults listen to pupils read books that match the sounds that they are learning. If gaps appear, staff provide expert support and pupils catch up quickly. As pupils progress through the school, they continue to develop their fluency and comprehension skills.

Pupils love the stories that staff read aloud at the end of each day. In the early years, children take delight in acting out the stories that are shared with them. Older pupils show an equal love of stories and reading.

Children in the early years learn the routines of school very quickly. They flourish in the early years setting. They learn how to take turns, be kind to others and make friends successfully.

They are highly engaged, enthusiastic learners. This continues through the school, where positive and warm relationships between adults and pupils are well established. Pupils describe the 'Green Room' as a safe and quiet place, where adults will listen and help them with any worries they may have.

Classrooms are calm spaces, where most pupils show positive attitudes towards their learning.

Leaders recognise the importance of supporting pupils' personal development. Pupils' suggestions were included in the 'Woodingdean 11 before 11' pledge that outlines 11 'unforgettable experiences' pupils will have during their time at the school.

Pupils relish the wide range of trips, visits and opportunities. The well-planned personal, social, health and economic curriculum also provides pupils with a wide range of opportunities. Pupils learn about life in modern Britain, such as democracy.

For example, they vote for leadership roles in school. In talking about tolerance, one Year 6 pupil commented, 'Being tolerant is knowing that we are all part of the same race – the human race – so it doesn't matter about the colour of your skin.'

Leadership is effective.

Staff welcomed the well-considered opportunities for professional development. Staff feel that leaders value them and consider their workload. Governance is a strength of the school.

Governors have high aspirations for the whole school community and have a clear understanding of the school's strengths and areas for improvement. They have a clear vision and determination for all pupils to 'Be the best you'.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Safeguarding is understood as everyone's responsibility. Leaders ensure that all staff are well trained and recognise potential risks to pupils. Staff record any concerns in a timely manner and leaders ensure that pupils and families receive the help required.

Leaders work well with external agencies and have built positive relationships with parents and carers. Leaders complete all the appropriate checks on adults who work at, or visit, the school.

Pupils are taught how to recognise risks and to keep themselves safe through the curriculum, including in lessons about online safety, assemblies and visitors coming into school.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• The new approach to the wider curriculum is not yet embedded. Currently, pupils' outcomes vary in different subjects, and some do not yet build on and use their prior learning. Leaders need to continue to embed their plans to ensure that pupils build on their skills and knowledge consistently well across all subjects.

• Staff do not use agreed assessment procedures consistently well in the foundation subjects. This means that sometimes gaps in pupils' knowledge are not addressed fully before they move on to new learning. Leaders need to ensure that staff understand the agreed school approach and use it consistently to inform their teaching.

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