Wycombe High School

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About Wycombe High School

Name Wycombe High School
Website http://www.whs.bucks.sch.uk/
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs Nicola Renyard
Address Marlow Road, High Wycombe, HP11 1TB
Phone Number 01494523961
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 11-18
Religious Character None
Gender Girls
Number of Pupils 1322
Local Authority Buckinghamshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

At Wycombe High School (WHS), pupils achieve academic excellence and contribute eagerly to all aspects of school life. Interactions between pupils and staff are defined by a sense of community and mutual respect.

Pupils live out the school's values of 'limitless ambition, infectious joy, insatiable curiosity and generous spirit'. There is a high level of trust between staff and pupils which contributes to a positive school-wide culture where pupils feel safe.

The school has set very high expectations for pupils' achievement and their wider development.

As a selective school, pupils join with high prior attainment. However, staff and pupils are not complacent ...about what more can be achieved. Pupils work incredibly hard, and staff focus relentlessly on helping pupils meet their shared high expectations.

Consequently, pupils, including those in the sixth form, achieve highly.

Pupils benefit from an exceptional enrichment offer. The school provides numerous, varied opportunities to nurture, develop, and stretch pupils' talents and interests.

Pupils speak highly of these and make good use of them. They often take the lead in establishing new clubs and societies. This enables them to be instrumental in creating the diverse and inclusive community that they are rightly proud to be a part of.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders have designed a highly ambitious and rigorous curriculum for all pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). An exceptionally high proportion of pupils study the English Baccalaureate suite of subjects. The curriculum has been carefully designed and logically sequenced across subjects, allowing pupils to build precisely on what they already know.

When pupils with SEND join the school, their needs are identified accurately. This helps teachers to meet their needs successfully. Pupils who need additional help to improve their reading are supported effectively.

As a result, pupils achieve exceptional academic success, including in external examinations, across a broad range of curriculum subjects at the end of Years 11 and 13.

Teachers are experts in their subjects. Across the range of subjects, they present new subject matter clearly and effectively.

Consistent use of 'recall' activities at the start of lessons helps pupils remember and build on prior learning. Teachers use questioning successfully to check what pupils know. Staff are alert to the stumbling blocks and misconceptions that pupils may encounter and help them navigate these in order to build a deep understanding of the subject.

Consequently, pupils can talk eloquently and in detail about the broad range of knowledge they have learned.

Pupils' behaviour is exemplary. They display excellent self-control and highly positive attitudes to learning.

Staff and pupils share highly respectful relationships. This creates an open and encouraging culture where everyone is equally valued.Attendance is high.

Where absence is more pronounced, for a small number of disadvantaged pupils, the school works positively with pupils and families to secure improvements.

Opportunities for pupils' broader development are exceptional. They benefit from many high-quality trips and visits, which enhance their experience of the curriculum.

They engage extensively with the rich range of clubs and societies on offer. The school has constructed a thorough personal, social, health and economic education (PSHEE) curriculum. This teaches pupils about important issues, such as toxic masculinity, consent and the importance of sleep and eating healthily.

A plethora of leadership roles enable pupils, and students in the sixth form, to contribute meaningfully to the school community. Pupils benefit from high-quality information about universities, careers and apprenticeships. Many students in the sixth form go on to successful placements at university.

Others are supported onto different paths, such as degree-level apprenticeships. Whatever their chosen destination, pupils are equipped with the knowledge and skills they need to be successful.

The sixth form is a beacon of excellence.

Its aspirational culture values hard work. It is equally dedicated to the personal development of students through a high quality wider curriculum that enhances and enriches their experience. This includes a well-thought-out 'futures programme' that supports students in developing relevant life skills they will need for their next stage.

Consequently, students in the sixth form leave WHS as ambitious, compassionate, and well-rounded individuals.

Leaders at all levels are focused on achieving the very best for pupils. Trustees know the school well and provide highly effective support and challenge.

Where there are imperfections, they evaluate them and take effective actions to bring about improvement. The school has created a culture where positive relationships are valued. Staff receive high-quality training and support.

They are very positive about consideration of their workload and well-being. As a result, staff are proud to work here.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

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Stagecoach Performing Arts High Wycombe

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