Yavneh Primary School

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About Yavneh Primary School

Name Yavneh Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Mrs Caroline Field
Address Hillside Avenue, Borehamwood, WD6 1HL
Phone Number 02087365580
Phase Academy
Type Free schools
Age Range 4-11
Religious Character Orthodox Jewish
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 422
Local Authority Hertfordshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

Summary of key findings for parents and pupils

This is an outstanding school Pupils at Yavneh Primary School make exceptionally strong progress. The quality of teaching is excellent in all subjects. Consequently, pupils achieve very well.

The 'Yavneh way' is woven through all aspects of school life. This sets the expectation that pupils will behave exceptionally well, be resilient and work hard. Pupils are very clear about what is expected of them and strive to achieve this.

The curriculum is broad and balanced. Topics both build on pupils' interests and expand their understanding of the world around them. Pupils are encouraged to use their English skills in other subjects, such as history and geography....r/>
Phonics teaching is very effective. Building on this, pupils' writing is developed very well. Opportunities for writing are seized upon throughout the curriculum.

Pupils also take part in regular discussion, role play, drama and open-ended activities. Teachers make learning enjoyable. The teaching of science and music is a key strength.

Pupils develop strong practical skills, together with accurate understanding of specific subject vocabulary and ideas. Leaders are highly regarded by staff, parents and carers. Leaders have ensured that all involved in the school share the same high expectations.

Teachers receive quality coaching and development to help them perform to the highest standard. Governors know the school well and challenge leaders to further improve the school. Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) are expertly supported within their classrooms, with tasks adapted to support their needs.

As a result, this group of pupils make very good progress. Parents are highly supportive of the school. Virtually all say that their children are making exceptional progress and are very happy.

Teachers keep parents well informed about their children's life in school through regular 'focus child' meetings. Pupils' work is of high quality. However, there are occasions when their presentation and handwriting is not as excellent as it could be.

This is due to differing expectations from some members of staff about this aspect of learning.

Information about this school

The school opened in September 2016. At the time of the inspection, the school had pupils in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2, aged four to seven.

It will expand by an additional year group each year until it becomes full, eventually catering for pupils from Reception to Year 6. The school is part of the Yavneh College Multi-Academy Trust and shares a site with the Yavneh College. There is a local governing body, some members of whom are also MAT trustees.

The governing body reports to the trustees. The school is of a religious character, that of the Orthodox Jewish faith. A section 48 inspection had taken place the same week as this inspection.

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