Locrating has more user reviews, with a higher rating, than any other UK schools guide.
Locrating has the highest estimted organic search traffic of all UK school guide websites.
We are undeniably the largest and most comprehensive single source of school and local area information in the UK.
13th April 2022
We've used two well known and respected independent sources to measure website trust and popularity; the first is Trustpilot, the world's largest website review site and the second is SEMRush a large international company, famed for its website traffic analysis tools.
Locrating has more reviews with a higher rating than any other UK schools guide. As on 16th February 2022, we have 515 reviews with a Trust score of 4.9 out of 5 and a rating of Excellent. We achieve this level of trust by offering the highest levels of information, features and customer service. You can follow our reviews here: https://uk.trustpilot.com/review/www.locrating.com
We've used the SEMRush tool to analyse our organic search traffic (i.e. where we appear in internet search results, which is highly correlated to overall traffic levels) for all the main UK school guides and Locrating has the highest organic search traffic levels in the UK, our organic search traffic is also increasing at a faster rate than any other site. In fact, we have more organic search traffic than Ofsted itself and the two main gov.uk schools information pages (compare-school-performance.service.gov.uk and get-information-schools.service.gov.uk). You can follow our organic traffic levels here: https://www.semrush.com/analytics/overview/?q=locrating.com&searchType=domain&db=uk.
We have found the SEMRush tool to have a close correlation to our actual traffic measured using other tools such as Google Analytics and the Google Search Console; therefore whilst it's not perfectly accurate, we do consider it a legitimate way to compare relative website usage between sites.
The following shows the headline information for Locrating on SEMRush:
The following table shows headline traffic levels by SEMRush, for the major UK school guides and gov.uk school websites:
Webste | SEMRush Estimated Monthly Organic Search Traffic (UK) |
Locrating | 418,000 |
Ofsted | 374,000 |
get-information-schools.service.gov.uk | 248,000 |
compare-school-performance.service.gov.uk | 276,000 |
Good Schools Guide | 171,000 |
School Guide | 64,000 |
Snobe | 56,000 |
Admissions Day Warning this site appears to no longer be maintained |
34,000 |
School Dash | 10,000 |