Finchampstead Day Nursery and Preschool

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About Finchampstead Day Nursery and Preschool

Name Finchampstead Day Nursery and Preschool
Ofsted Inspections
Address 430 Finchampstead Road, Wokingham, Berkshire, RG40 3RB
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Wokingham
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is good

The nursery environment is welcoming. Children show that they feel safe and secure in the care of the staff who look after them. Staff have high expectations for children's behaviour and attitude to learning.

Children engage well. They are keen to join in with their activities. Staff warmly offer praise and encouragement to support children's motivation to learn.

Staff have a clear understanding of children's starting points. Regular observations are used to help staff plan effectively for children's next steps, which are tailored to children's individual needs and interests. Staff demonstrate a strong commitment to wo...rking in partnership with parents to enhance the continuity for children's learning.

They provide parents with timely feedback about their children's achievements.Children behave very well. They show respect for their friends and their environment.

Staff help older children to learn about their feelings and how to express these through a variety of activities, for instance, when using puppets at group times. Babies are nurtured well. They receive cuddles from caring staff.

Babies develop listening skills that support their emerging language. They keenly join in with singing activities and use verbal and non-verbal communication to explain to staff which songs to sing. For instance, they call out 'row' and take each other's hands for a popular rhyme.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

The manager is extremely conscientious and hard-working. Recent staffing issues have impacted on the provision of care. However, the manager has worked proactively with her line manager, staff and parents to alleviate the situation.

Staff state that they feel supported in their roles and that the manager helps to ensure that their workload is managed constructively.Parents are positive about the care and learning their children receive. They state that children are happy and that staff are effective in helping their children to settle.

Parents acknowledge the help, support and strategies for extending learning at home. They value the feedback about how their children are achieving. Parents add that staff are caring and always smiling and state that their children enjoy attending.

Staff plan effectively for children's learning and individual needs. Overall, they implement the early years foundation stage curriculum well in order to provide children with the skills they need to succeed in life. However, at times, staff are not confident enough to be more enthusiastic and ambitious in their engagement with the children.

Consequently, staff do not use all opportunities to strengthen and enhance their teaching so children can achieve the best possible outcomes.Staff support children's listening and speaking skills effectively and plan well to help children attain good levels of literacy awareness. During a music and singing activity children were keen to choose musical instruments, and listened as staff demonstrated playing loud then soft tones for them to copy.

Children gained an understanding of opposites, as they differentiated between playing fast and slow.All children enjoy various opportunities to engage in play and learning activities outside. The outdoor area for the older children offers a variety of challenge and interesting activities, such as the mud kitchen.

Children are physically active and play cooperatively with their friends. However, the outdoor play area dedicated to the younger children is less stimulating, with fewer resources to extend the ways they learn. Nevertheless, when the younger children use the main outdoor area they are more motivated to play.

All children demonstrate independence relative to their ages. They enjoy healthy meals and snacks and show awareness for care routines, for example, hand washing. The chef regularly sits with the older children as they serve and eat their meals.

She shares her recipes with parents so they can try them at home. Children are encouraged to be as independent as possible when using the toilet and when washing their hands. Staff conduct nappy changes for the younger children with sensitivity.

Babies are cooperative during these routines.Staff help children to be aware of their behaviour and conduct. For example, staff give timely reminders to older children to help them remember the importance of listening to their friends.

Younger children are reminded also of using 'gentle hands' as they play together.Staff plan effectively for children's transitions to their next room. Children normally visit with a friend and their key person initially and short sessions take place over a month or two to help children feel safe and secure.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.The provider uses robust recruitment procedures to help ensure staff are suitable for their roles. Staff adhere to the provider's risk assessments, policies and procedures, which effectively promote children's health and well-being.

Staff demonstrate a secure understanding of how to protect children. They are provided with appropriate training and guidance to update their knowledge of all safeguarding matters. They have a secure understanding of all safeguarding matters and legislation.

Staff confidently demonstrate their awareness of possible indicators of abuse. They know the procedures to follow should they have a concern about another staff member or senior managers.

What does the setting need to do to improve?

To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: strengthen staff teaching skills so that every opportunity is made to extend learning experiences for children so they achieve the best possible outcomes nenhance further the opportunities for younger children when playing outdoors, to offer more stimulating activities that better promote their individual needs.

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