The Beehive After School Club

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About The Beehive After School Club

Name The Beehive After School Club
Address Nine Mile Ride Primary School, 430 Finchampstead Road, Finchampstead, WOKINGHAM, Berkshire, RG40 3RB
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Wokingham
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children arrive for their session with a huge smile on their face.

They greet staff warmly and instantly begin to play and explore the interesting activities on offer. Staff support children to settle well and place a strong focus on children's happiness. For example, they tailor settling-in sessions to meet the needs of each child and their family.

As a result, new children settle extremely quickly and form close bonds with staff. Staff have high expectations for children's behaviour. They consistently model good manners and respect to one another and to children.

Children are confident communicators. They happil...y interact with visitors, sharing their thoughts and ideas. Children eagerly talk about their favourite activities, of which playing on the bouncy castle is one.

They say they make lots of new friends when they are at the club. Children spend long periods at their chosen activities and enjoy it when the staff join in. For example, children develop their small-muscle skills as they scoop and pour water.

They giggle in delight as they fish for sea creatures hidden in water. Children are provided with an outstanding range of stimulating sessions to enhance their learning. For example, they enjoy pizza-making sessions, science activities, and having the opportunity to meet reptiles and birds of prey.

These experiences help to introduce children to new language. Staff are highly skilled at introducing new vocabulary to the children. For instance, they introduce new words, such as, 'vibrate', 'optical illusion', and 'circuit' during a science experiment.

This helps children to learn new vocabulary and develop their sentence structure.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

The experienced and dedicated manager demonstrates a clear vision for the continuing development of the club. Staff share her vision and are passionate about their work with children.

They have access to training to support them in their professional development. The manager carries out regular supervision of staff and monitors their practice. She observes them regularly and provides feedback on the quality of their practice.

Staff support children very well to understand their emotions. For example, they name emotions and talk to children about the reasons they might feel like this. Staff teach children many important social skills, such as turn taking.

Children are exceptionally good at taking turns with resources at the club. For example, children know to access sand timers when they would like to take turns using age-appropriate computer games.Staff use appropriate strategies to support those children who speak English as an additional language.

Children have opportunities to hear and use their home language during their play. Visual aids and picture cards also help children to indicate items they want to play with, and supports them to tell staff how they are feeling.The management team place great emphasis on the well-being of staff.

They build very strong working relationships with all members of staff. Leaders work collaboratively with all staff and are very accessible if staff have any concerns at all. Staff report that they feel valued and really enjoy their jobs.

Partnership with parents is excellent. Parents like the family feel and describe the club as 'exceptional'. They talk about how well their children have developed socially and love attending.

Parents say they enjoy seeing pictures on social media of activities children take part in.Children learn how to be healthy and safe, including how to remain safe online. Staff share information with parents about how to keep children safe online at home.

Children are able to contribute their own ideas and suggestions. For example, staff encourage the children to decide which games they would like to participate in. This helps children to develop a strong sense of belonging and know that their ideas are welcomed and listened to.

Staff promote children's good health and ensure that they have plenty of fresh air and water throughout the day. There are robust procedures to support children with allergies or dietary requirements. Staff work with parents to encourage them to send their children to the club with a nutritious and healthy packed lunch.

This helps children to learn about the importance of a healthy lifestyle.Staff celebrate children's uniqueness. Children learn about different cultural festivals and traditions, such as by tasting Chinese food for Chinese New Year.

This helps to build children's knowledge about the world around them.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.Staff are extremely knowledgeable about their roles and responsibilities to protect children from harm.

They receive regular training and updates to ensure that they fully understand how to identify, record and report any concerns about a child's welfare. This includes whistle-blowing against any inappropriate actions or behaviour of a colleague. The manager has regular discussions with staff and tests their knowledge through quizzes.

Risk assessments are carried out for the premises to make sure all the areas are safe. Staff supervise children well and teach them ways to keep themselves safe. They regularly undertake fire evacuation drills and speak to children about fire safety.

Also at this postcode
Nine Mile Ride Primary School Finchampstead Day Nursery and Preschool

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