Holiday Zone At Ashdene

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About Holiday Zone At Ashdene

Name Holiday Zone At Ashdene
Address Ashdene Primary School, Thoresway Road, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 6LJ
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises
Gender Mixed
Local Authority CheshireEast
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children thoroughly enjoy the time they spend in this warm and welcoming club. They form close and trusting relationships with staff, who have high expectations of them. Children develop strong friendships with each other.

They behave extremely well. Older children show kindness and concern for their younger friends. For example, they carefully explain the rules of a game and offer to help during activities.

Children demonstrate positive attitudes to their play. They quickly become immersed in a wide range of activities and experiences that staff have carefully planned for them. Children are able to contribute their own id...eas and suggestions.

For example, staff have provided resources for children to make 'perfume' using flowers, petals and leaves, following children's suggestions. This helps children to develop a strong sense of belonging and know that their ideas are welcomed and listened to.The manager and her staff team have implemented new routines and boundaries given the COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic.

Children play within their designated bubbles and frequently wash and sanitise their hands. They have adapted well to these changes and demonstrate a good understanding of how to keep themselves safe during the pandemic. Although parents do not currently have access to the school building, they comment positively on the information that they receive from staff.

They describe how staff take the time to welcome children at the door and share detailed information at the end of the day.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Staff are dedicated, enthusiastic and work well together. There is a real sense of teamwork as they decide and organise their roles and responsibilities.

Staff deploy themselves well and ensure that they engage positively with children as they play. They talk to children about what they are doing, model language and skilfully ask questions. Staff show a real interest in what children say.

This adds to children's enjoyment at the club.Children enjoy a wonderful range of activities that promote their health and well-being. For example, they regularly participate in yoga and sport sessions.

Staff describe how these activities are crucial in supporting children's mental and physical health, particularly following periods of national and local lockdown.Children thoroughly enjoy spending time outside. They have frequent opportunities to play and exercise in the fresh air.

They particularly like using the equipment available that helps them to develop their balance and coordination. Furthermore, children have access to a dedicated forest school area. They confidently climb small trees and create dens using planks of wood.

Children work collaboratively together as they try to climb onto a rope swing. Their giggles and excited chatter are continuously heard as they explore the outdoor environment with enthusiasm.Children enjoy being creative.

For example, they make dream catchers using paper plates and ribbons. Children concentrate as they decorate their plates with crayons and stickers. Children develop their skills using scissors and a hole punch.

Their efforts are celebrated by staff who offer lots of praise and encouragement. This helps to develop children's confidence levels when trying new things.Staff build very good relationships with the host school.

They regularly share information about children with teaching staff, who in turn share what children are learning in school. This helps club staff to successfully provide continuity of support and care for children. During holiday club sessions, the manager takes time to email staff from other local schools that children attend.

She then uses this information to ensure that children's needs are fully met.The manager supports her staff team very well. Continuous observations are made of staff practice and staff also observe each other.

This helps to create a culture of reflective practice in a positive and supportive way. Through the manager's recent observations she has identified that sometimes staff are too quick to help children, especially in the forest school area.The manager is committed to improving the quality of the club.

She regularly gathers the views of parents and asks children for their contributions and suggestions. Staff are also encouraged to share their views and opinions through regular meetings, supervision sessions and annual appraisals. The manager and the provider use this valuable feedback to continuously improve the service that they provide.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.Staff demonstrate a good understanding of how to identify the possible signs and symptoms of abuse and neglect. The manager ensures that her staff team complete regular training to ensure that their knowledge and understanding remains up to date.

Staff's strong relationships with children help them to quickly recognise any changes in behaviour, which may indicate a concern. Furthermore, they confidently explain the procedures to follow should they be worried about a child's welfare or the practice of a colleague. The provider implements thorough recruitment arrangements that help to ensure staff are suitable to carry out their roles and responsibilities.

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Ashdene Independent Pre-School Ashdene Primary School

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