Playkidds at Broadoak

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About Playkidds at Broadoak

Name Playkidds at Broadoak
Address Broadoak Cp School, Fairmount Road, Swinton, Manchester, M27 0EP
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Salford
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Staff create a welcoming, safe and exciting play environment for all children. The moment children enter this vibrant club, their laughter fills the air. They greet their friends and are excited to tell staff about their day at school.

Staff are excellent role models. They teach children exceptionally well about respect and acceptance. Children know what staff expect of them.

They behave well, follow rules and know the routines of the club. Staff give high priority to children's emotional well-being. They work closely with parents to ensure that children settle quickly.

Children have a strong sense of belonging an...d are happy to attend the club. Staff ensure that children's opinions are respected and included. Children help to make decisions about the play programmes and how the club can be improved further.

Staff provide children with an array of opportunities to be physically active. Children enjoy being outdoors. They use climbing apparatus and play football.

Staff encourage children to take part in ring games. They do this to boost children's confidence in taking on new play challenges. Children show high levels of enjoyment as they complete a nature hunt.

Staff work closely with the host primary school. They share information to support children's learning through play. This helps to support children for their next steps in play.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders are relentless in their pursuit to provide the best play experiences for children. They work closely with staff to reflect on all aspects of the club. Improvement plans are sharply focused and include the views of staff, children and parents.

The manager's capacity to continually improve is good.Staff provide children with a play programme which is built on playwork research. They use this knowledge to provide exciting activities to children.

This means that children are highly engaged and are immersed in play.The support in place for children with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) is excellent. Leaders ensure that children with SEND get a personalised play programme.

They work well with external agencies and professionals. Children with SEND flourish at this nurturing club.Staff teach children about the world around them.

They talk to children about the differences between themselves and others. Children discuss the many ways that they are unique. Staff help children to gain an early understanding of why it is important to help others who are less fortunate.

Children fundraise for different charities and have a good understanding of the community that they belong to.Care practices are good. Children follow good hygiene procedures and learn why it is important to live a healthy lifestyle.

Staff teach children about the significance of oral health. Children talk about visiting the dentist and why it is important to reduce sugary foods in their diet.Partnership working is excellent.

Links with parents, class teachers and the local authority are robust. Parents receive daily updates about their children's time at the club. They commend staff on always doing the right thing and for making the club a home-from-home.

Staff are skilled at supporting children who speak English as an additional language. They use key words in home languages and speak clearly. This means that children gain a good command of English and are confident communicators.

Leaders give staff well-being high priority. They ensure that staff workload is manageable. Staff attend supervision sessions and appraisal meetings.

They receive a comprehensive programme of professional development. Staff share best practice and report that working at the club is like a big family.Staff help children to express their creativity and individuality incredibly well.

Children become enthralled while painting. They enact roles of astronauts and make models of spacecraft. Children enjoy dancing and singing with staff.

They praise each other for their talents and tell their friends that they are 'amazing'.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.Robust recruitment procedures are in place.

Staff undergo stringent checks to ensure that they are suitable to work with children. Leaders ensure that the premises are safe and secure. They teach children how to keep themselves safe, such as road and e-safety.

Staff attend child protection training and keep abreast of changes in local safeguarding processes. They understand the referral procedure and know the steps to take if there is an allegation against a colleague. Staff have a secure understanding of safeguarding issues, such as female genital mutilation and radicalisation.

They are first-aid trained. Staff know how to respond to accidents and emergencies. They are deployed well and supervise children with vigilance.

Also at this postcode
Broadoak Primary School

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