Broadoak Primary School

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About Broadoak Primary School

Name Broadoak Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Ms Karen Wild
Address Fairmount Road, Swinton, Manchester, M27 0EP
Phone Number 01617942326
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 481
Local Authority Salford
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils are happy and flourish at this exceptionally caring school.

Staff greet pupils warmly each morning. Pupils' behaviour is exemplary. Respectful relationships permeate throughout the school.

Pupils get along incredibly well and look out for each other thoughtfully.

The school sets the highest expectations for pupils in all aspects of school life. Pupils are eager to do their best.

They embrace the rich learning opportunities that staff provide for them. Pupils show admirable attitudes to learning. They grow in curiosity and fascination about the world around them.

Pupils relish any challenge that is presented to them. These positive att...itudes make a strong contribution to pupils' exceptional achievement across the curriculum.

Pupils enjoy an abundance of wider curriculum opportunities, such as residential visits, clubs, trips and visitors.

These enrichment experiences help to shape pupils into resilient and independent learners. Pupils take on leadership responsibilities determinedly. They want to make a positive difference to their school.

For example, during breaktimes, the 'BFFs' organise games for pupils to play so that no one is left on their own.

Pupils leave school with their 'Broadoak Backpacks' full to the brim with the skills and knowledge that they need to be successful in the future. They wear the school badge with tremendous pride and they feel privileged to attend this school.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The school has designed an aspirational curriculum. The important knowledge and vocabulary that pupils should learn has been meticulously thought out for all year groups, including the early years. The curriculum is well structured and builds progressively.

The school is ambitious for pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). It has carefully considered how to overcome the barriers to learning that some pupils face.

Pupils experience carefully crafted lessons.

Teachers use their excellent subject knowledge to present information clearly. They provide many opportunities for pupils to revisit their prior learning. Skilfully designed activities reveal any misconceptions in pupils' knowledge.

Teachers address these misunderstandings quickly, so that gaps in learning are minimised.

Teachers expertly use a range of assessment strategies to check that pupils' understanding is secure. This begins in the early years, where high-quality interactions tease out children's thinking.

Pupils confidently demonstrate the rich body of knowledge that they acquire over time.

The school identifies the additional needs of pupils with SEND as early as possible. These pupils receive swift and effective support.

Teachers deliver bespoke adaptations during lessons to ensure that pupils with SEND achieve highly.

The school expects pupils to become avid readers. It prioritises reading from the minute that children join the school.

Children in the early years delve into an environment with a plethora of books. A carefully selected phonics programme is delivered effectively by well-trained staff. The few pupils who fall behind receive the support that they require to catch up quickly.

Pupils develop their reading fluency well. They read books that accurately match the sounds that they already know. By the time pupils leave the school, they are well equipped to face the reading challenges of key stage 3.

There is a calm and purposeful atmosphere throughout the school. This begins in the early years, where there is a sharp focus on positive learning behaviours. Pupils are strong team players.

They live out the vision of 'working together to achieve our best'. Pupils understand the importance of attending school regularly. The school works supportively with pupils who have low prior attendance.

This helps these pupils to improve their levels of attendance.

The school's programme for pupils' personal development is exceptional. Pupils develop an appreciation of differences between people, such as different families, cultures and religions.

Their knowledge of fundamental British values is extensive. Pupils welcome plentiful opportunities to develop their talents and interests. They have an in-depth understanding of how to keep themselves safe and healthy, including how to form healthy relationships.

One example of this is the health and fitness fortnight, organised by the well-being warriors.

Trustees have an accurate overview of the school. This enables them to successfully hold the school to account.

Trustees place staff's and pupils' well-being high on their agenda. Staff could not speak more highly of the school's support in ensuring that they have everything that they need to deliver the excellent provision that is expected.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

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