Sunrise & Sunset Club

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About Sunrise & Sunset Club

Name Sunrise & Sunset Club
Address Christ Church School, Rickmansworth Road, Chorleywood, Rickmansworth, WD3 5SG
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Hertfordshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children thoroughly enjoy their time at the club. They are reluctant to leave when their parents arrive to collect them as they are having so much fun. They feel safe and know who to turn to if they have a problem.

Children interact positively with staff and their friends. They respectfully take turns as they play table football. Children cheer excitedly when they score a point.

Children are familiar with the routine of the session and settle in quickly. Parents share information with staff regarding their children before they start. This helps staff to plan a range of relevant activities.

Children are also involv...ed in the planning of the sessions. They confidently share their interests and ideas with the staff. Older children are kind and caring towards the youngest children.

They sit with them and talk to them about the film they are watching as they relax after a busy school day. Older children instinctively help the youngest children to hang their bags and coats on pegs as they arrive at the club. All children enjoy sitting together at mealtimes.

They happily discuss what they have done during the day with one another.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Staff feel well supported in their roles at the club. The manager actively seeks professional development opportunities for the staff team, such as specific courses to support children with special educational needs and/or disabilities.

Staff meet with the manager regularly to discuss their roles. They are actively encouraged to reflect on their practice and share their views and opinions with the manager.The manager and her staff team work closely with other professionals.

School teachers hold daily discussions regarding the youngest children when they bring children to the club. They discuss children's progress and share valuable information. This helps the staff at the club to support the children effectively.

Parents are highly complimentary about the service that the manager and staff provide. They feel their children are happy and safe. Staff keep parents well informed about their children's time at the club.

They relay important messages from school. The manager takes on board feedback from parents and reflects on their comments. This helps her to make improvements to the already strong service that she offers.

Children enjoy the range of meals provided and are keen to participate in mealtimes. Parents wait patiently for their children to finish if they arrive while children are eating. Staff carefully plan the healthy range of food on offer and ensure that children have choices.

They take into account any dietary requirements and check that the food is suitable. Children are highly independent at mealtimes. They confidently clear their plates when they have finished eating.

Staff support the youngest children to persevere at activities. Children listen carefully to their guidance and follow instructions well. For example, children choose to make models out of connecting bricks.

Staff remind them to push the bricks together firmly so that their models do not break. They encourage children to talk about the models they make. This enables children to share their thoughts and ideas.

Staff know the children they care for well. They ensure that there is a range of resources to support children and their individual needs and interests. Staff invite the youngest children to explore books that interest them.

They encourage the children to talk about what they see in the pictures. Staff provide children with comfortable spaces to enjoy the books, such as cosy beanbags and cushions.Children have a wide range of opportunities to be physically active during their time at the club.

Children enjoy physical activities inside the large hall. They play football with their friends. Staff support them to play collaboratively together.

They praise children for positive interactions. For instance, children gain reward tickets when staff notice them doing something kind.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

The manager ensures that all staff are aware of the process to follow if they have any concerns regarding children's welfare. Staff complete relevant safeguarding training and are kept up to date with any changes or updates regarding safeguarding. Staff can confidently identify possible signs of abuse and neglect.

They are aware of wider safeguarding issues, such as how to identify children who may be at risk of exposure to extreme views and behaviour. Staff gain a strong understanding of the safeguarding policy when they start at the club as part of their detailed induction process. They implement this policy effectively.

Also at this postcode
Christ Church Chorleywood CofE School

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