Christ Church Chorleywood CofE School

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About Christ Church Chorleywood CofE School

Name Christ Church Chorleywood CofE School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs Sarah Selleck
Address The Common, Rickmansworth Road, Rickmansworth, WD3 5SG
Phone Number 01923282647
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Church of England
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 231
Local Authority Hertfordshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils are very proud to attend Christ Church Chorleywood. They are appreciative of the caring community and the excellent relationships they have with staff and each other.

Pupils are highly motivated learners and excel both academically and socially.

Pupils benefit from the high aspirations and exceptional quality of education that leaders provide for them. Pupils persevere if they find their work hard.

From the early years onwards, children learn the school's values of 'trust, love and respect'. They consistently display these values in their behaviours. Pupils have high levels of respect for their physical environment.

They tidy up after and take pride in their role of taking care of the plants and flowers, as well as each other.

Pupils are kind and considerate. They appreciate differences in others and have a strong understanding of different faiths.

Pupils value diversity and say that bullying does not happen because they have 'kindness in their hearts'. They play well with each other and make sure everyone feels included in their games. Pupils are safe.

On the rare occasions that pupils disagree, they are confident that teachers would intervene quickly and effectively.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders have embedded an ambitious curriculum that begins in Nursery and continues to the end of Year 6. They have ensured that the curriculum is highly challenging for all pupils.

Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) are well supported to access this curriculum. Staff are very well trained and have secure subject knowledge. They regularly check pupils' learning.

Teachers make careful adaptations to their plans in light of what this tells them. This ensures that all pupils achieve extremely well throughout their time at the school. Their work is of a consistently high quality.

Leaders have prioritised reading across the school. From the early years, teachers share their enthusiasm for reading. Leaders have planned their reading curriculum very carefully to make sure children become highly confident and fluent readers.

Children in Reception are well supported to quickly develop a secure phonics understanding. Staff ensure that older pupils also achieve highly and become fluent readers. Pupils love to read.

They read regularly at school and at home. Pupils are confident in their reading abilities and are passionate when discussing books that they have enjoyed.

Adults have high expectations of pupils' behaviour.

Pupils are explicitly taught and shown how to behave in an extremely respectful manner. Routines and expectations are established from early years upwards. Pupils consistently demonstrate empathy.

They understand that some of their classmates have different needs. Pupils are happy to support each other to do well and they celebrate differences. They value their learning, and behaviour is extremely positive in and out of lessons.

Leaders are highly ambitious for children in early years. As is the case throughout the school, the curriculum ensures children achieve well. Children are considerate of each other and motivated to do well.

Staff expectations for all children are high. Children take turns and work well with each other. Children with SEND are very well supported.

This contributes towards them being exceptionally well prepared to enter Year 1.

Pupils' personal development is promoted extensively throughout the school. Enrichment opportunities have been carefully interwoven into the curriculum to enhance pupils' experiences and understanding of the world.

Pupils actively contribute to the school and wider community. They value their role of taking care of the environment and are passionate about caring for nature. For example, they participate in the forest school and take pride in their responsibility for caring for the school garden.

All Year 6 pupils complete an award in a junior citizenship challenge. They are enthusiastic about their contributions, which include reading to younger pupils and supporting them at lunchtimes. Pupils value the many opportunities they have to help and care for others.

Leaders ensure that pupils have a strong spiritual awareness and a knowledgeable understanding of different faiths. Pupils show their understanding of diversity and different religious beliefs. They display a deep fascination for the world around them.

This is enhanced through daily assemblies where they have the opportunity to sing and learn about parables. Pupils appreciate the opportunities they have to learn about different views, and they show a mature respect and tolerance for others.

Governors and trustees provide support and appropriate challenge to leaders.

Leaders' high expectations are securely embedded in all areas of school life. They have successfully developed leadership within their school and ensure staff at all levels are highly trained to fulfil their roles effectively.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Leaders have ensured that staff are well trained in identifying and reporting potential safeguarding concerns. Staff feel well supported by leaders to help keep pupils safe.

Leaders are aware of local and national safeguarding concerns and are up to date about the risks pupils may face.

Leaders ensure that pupils develop an age-appropriate understanding of potential risks. Pupils are well informed about online safety and when in and out of school. They feel safe and are kept safe by staff at the school.

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