Framwellgate Moor Primary School

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About Framwellgate Moor Primary School

Name Framwellgate Moor Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Bethan Smith
Address Newton Drive, Framwellgate Moor, Durham, DH1 5BG
Phone Number 01913865400
Phase Primary
Type Community school
Age Range 2-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 378
Local Authority County Durham
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Framwellgate Moor Primary School is exceptional. Pupils thrive here.

The broader development of pupils is the heartbeat of the school. Pupils' attitudes to learning are excellent. Pupils take great pride in their work and their contributions to school.

Pupils benefit from the highly ambitious and well-developed curriculum. The school has created a curriculum that builds pupils' knowledge progressively from Nursery to Year 6. Pupils achieve well.

This is evident in the school's published outcomes. Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) get a fantastic deal. The support they receive reflects the school's commitment to inclusivity.
Many pupils are involved in wide-ranging leadership and citizenship roles, such as 'Shiny groups'. Through these, pupils make an active contribution to improving the school. The school's anthem, 'Forever Making Pupils Shine', written by pupils, highlights the school's focus on fostering individual potential.

Pupils confidently express the importance of equality.

There are high expectations for pupils' behaviour right from the early years. Pupils live up to these high expectations.

The atmosphere in school is harmonious. The school's expansive outdoor area, and equipment chosen by pupils, helps pupils to be active, creative and engaged. Pupils are happy and safe.

They attend school well.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The school has developed subject curriculums that reflect the needs of the school. Adults support the successful integration and progress of pupils who join the school part way through the year.

The curriculum has been carefully tailored to prioritise the important knowledge and vocabulary that pupils need to know. Careful attention is given to pupils progressively building on their prior knowledge and having regular opportunities to revisit previous learning. This contributes to how well they remember their learning in the long term.

Pupils explain their learning eloquently, with detail and enthusiasm.

Pupils with SEND are fully included in the life of the school and benefit from well-considered curriculum adaptations, bespoke interventions and tailored teaching. Staff are highly skilled and have excellent relationships with pupils.

The Grasshoppers provision caters well for pupils with complex SEND needs. The school provides an individualised curriculum for pupils in this class. The highly trained staff lead targeted activities addressing pupils' specific needs.

This helps pupils with SEND to make exceptional progress.

There is a thorough approach to early reading. Pupils love reading.

The reading curriculum is taught well throughout school. Pupils are well supported during individual reading time. Staff skilfully explain and demonstrate new vocabulary to pupils, especially those with English as an additional language.

Individual class libraries provide a well curated selection of books. 'Branching out' displays encourage pupils to explore different authors. The school places a strong emphasis on providing a diverse selection of books for pupils, ensuring diverse groups are represented and a mix of genres are available to interest and educate pupils.

The 'Reader of the week' has improved pupils' reading engagement and celebrates pupils' reading achievements. Pupils love the 'masked reader'. Visits from authors and illustrators spark pupils' curiosity and excitement around books.

Children make an exceptional start in the early years. The early years curriculum is meticulously considered from the two-year-old classroom to the end of Reception. Children start the day sharing songs and rhymes, welcoming each other, observing the weather, counting and reflecting on their feelings.

Children are engrossed in their learning. Adults are highly skilled. They model the use of tools, new language and activities well.

The environment is language-rich, ambitious and full of well-chosen exciting learning opportunities. High-quality interactions with adults extend children's learning. Children are brilliantly prepared for the next stage in their learning.

Pupils treat each other with high levels of respect. Their individual needs and interests are well known by staff. Relationships between staff and pupils are heartwarming.

The school has established non-verbal cues for moving around the school and classrooms. Pupils respond to these excellently, which contributes to the calm environment around school.

Pupils' broader development is exceptionally well considered.

Pupils' ideas, decision-making and contributions are evident all over the school. Pupils have a wealth of well-thought-out and exciting opportunities to develop their talents and interests. They relish these opportunities.

The school is passionate about pupils' physical and mental health. Pupils benefit from a variety of performances, competitions and tournaments. Pupils compose a song each year addressing issues that are important to them.

The recent composition, 'Behind the screen' explores e-safety and cyberbullying. This contributes to how well pupils understand these issues.

Staff are ambitious for all pupils.

The members of the staff team demonstrate a passion for inclusion. The school manages professional development and workload well. They actively participate in local authority networks and development courses, and partner with external specialists to hone their expertise and share best practice.

Governors have a secure and accurate overview of the school. The expertise of the governing body maintains the sharp focus on Framwellgate Moor Primary being the best school it can be.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

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