Hindsford CofE Primary School

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About Hindsford CofE Primary School

Name Hindsford CofE Primary School
Website http://www.hindsfordprimary.net
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs Elaine Holden
Address Lodge Road, Atherton, Manchester, M46 9BL
Phone Number 01942882409
Phase Primary
Type Voluntary controlled school
Age Range 4-11
Religious Character Church of England
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 201
Local Authority Wigan
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils are valued at this caring school.

They try their best to live out the school's motto: 'our best, always, everywhere' in all that they do. Pupils are extremely proud of their school.

Pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), meet the high expectations that are set for their learning.

Their efforts, together with the excellent quality of education they receive, ensure that they achieve highly across the curriculum.

Relationships between staff, pupils, and parents and carers are very strong. Pupils, including children in the early years, are extremely happy.

Staff care about pupils and know them i...ndividually. Pupils behave exceptionally well. They have excellent attitudes to learning.

Pupils' wider experiences at school are of a very high quality. The school carefully considers each activity so that it best supports pupils' education and personal development. Pupils attend many extra-curricular clubs, such as chess and needle felting.

For many pupils, these are new life experiences.

Pupils make a tangible contribution to strengthening the school community through taking on leadership roles. For example, pupils have been trained as house captains.

They lead assemblies and a wide range of events across the school year.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The school's commitment to excellence permeates throughout the whole community. Pupils benefit from an ambitious and aspirational curriculum, which has been carefully reviewed and improved over time.

In each subject, the essential knowledge that pupils should learn, and the order in which they should learn it, is clearly identified. Wider opportunities, such as educational visits, are carefully selected to support the ambitious learning intentions of the curriculum. These opportunities also provide memorable experiences for pupils.

All of this helps pupils to achieve highly across the curriculum.

Staff have strong subject knowledge. New learning is clearly introduced and builds on what pupils already know.

Teachers regularly check on how well pupils learn. This means that any errors or misconceptions are addressed quickly and effectively.

Children in the early years engage very well with their activities.

They know the school routines well. Staff support individual pupils who find it difficult to meet the behaviour expectations incredibly well. This ensures that disruptions to learning rarely occur.

Reading is at the core of the school's curriculum. Books and texts across the school have been chosen thoughtfully to ensure that they are diverse and varied. This helps to make sure that pupils read regularly and widely.

For example, older pupils spoke knowledgeably about different types of texts and their favourite authors. Pupils enjoy reading and sharing their reviews with their friends. They have extremely positive attitudes to reading.

Pupils are proud when they are chosen to be the 'reader of the month'. In many aspects of school life, pupils try their best to gain the highly popular book tokens, which enable them to select a book from the school's vending machine.

Expert staff ensure that children benefit from high-quality phonics sessions as soon as they start in the Reception class.

In key stage 1, pupils read confidently from books that are precisely matched to the sounds that they have learned. Any pupils who find reading difficult are provided with swift support so that they keep up with the pace of the phonics programme. As a result, pupils learn to read confidently and fluently.

Skilled staff quickly identify pupils' needs and help to remove barriers to learning. This includes pupils with SEND and those who are disadvantaged. The school works with external agencies and specialists to ensure that pupils receive the support that they need to achieve exceptionally well.

The school's approach to promoting pupils' personal development is exceptional. Pupils take full advantage of the excellent opportunities that prepare them well for life in modern Britain. They learn about important concepts such as democracy and respect through a range of activities.

Pupils are keen to apply for the many leadership roles and vote carefully for their peers in the school's voting booths. The school ensures that pupils learn about different careers and the world of work. All this raises pupils' aspirations for their futures.

Pupils are taught how to look after their own mental and physical health. Pupils, including those with SEND, enjoy attending activities such as meditation and the 'early risers' club before the start of the school day.

The governing body works extremely well with the school.

It uses its substantial expertise to provide insightful challenge and support. This helps to make sure that the school provides pupils with the highest quality of education.

Staff are proud to work at the school.

They benefit from external training and development opportunities. Pupils benefit from the high levels of expertise that staff have.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

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