Kings Lodge Primary School

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About Kings Lodge Primary School

Name Kings Lodge Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs Kim Spencer
Address Kings Lodge Primary School, Chippenham, SN15 3SY
Phone Number 01249444405
Phase Primary
Type Community school
Age Range 4-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 289
Local Authority Wiltshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

Main findings

Kings Lodge Primary is a good school. The school's special 'Bees' covering six principles, such as 'being' kind, helpful, honest and gentle, equip pupils well for their learning and personal development, which in turn helps promote their academic achievement.

Pupils say they enjoy school, like the range of opportunities on offer, and that 'being with their friends' is one of the best things about the school. There are a number of other key strengths and some areas for continuing improvement. In the Reception classes, children get off to a good start and make good progress in their writing, reading and language work.

The outside areas, while giving children purposeful activities to follow, are... not as enticing as those planned within the classrooms. Pupils' attainment is average by the time pupils leave at the end of Year 6 and reflects a rising trend since the last inspection. Attainment in English is often higher than the expected levels for pupils' ages and science skills are securely promoted.

Although mathematics results rose last year, in their day-to-day work, pupils do not always have enough opportunities to apply their good calculation skills in real-life activities. There are small variations in progress between classes and year groups, often linked to the quality of teaching or weaknesses in planning or use of information and communication technology (ICT) in everyday activities. Pupils are kind, friendly and their behaviour is good.

Their raised awareness of others in school and the local community is demonstrated in their work as members of the school council, play leaders or as members of the eco-club. Pupils' awareness and adoption of maintaining a healthy lifestyle are excellent. Attendance levels are very high as pupils enjoy school.

Typically good teaching and an imaginative curriculum are positive factors in pupils' improving trend of attainment. Writing skills develop particularly well through well-chosen activities which extend pupils' vocabulary and confidence to write. Lessons are normally well planned and teaching assistants make a good contribution to pupils' learning.

Pupils sometimes make slower progress when their learning is not extended enough through challenging questions or when the pace of the lesson moves too slowly. Good levels of care and support, supported by clear guidance policies, ensure pupils feel secure and safe. Those pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities are supported effectively so they keep pace with classmates.

Underpinning the school's continued effectiveness since the previous inspection are the high expectations of the headteacher, and the support from senior leaders and members of the governing body. Routines for self-evaluation are usually accurate and staff and governors are clear that they want to improve the school's effectiveness further. This includes developing pupils' understanding of others with differing beliefs or lifestyles in this country.

Although satisfactory, pupils' understanding is not secure enough. Given that the school has maintained the good aspects noted in its previous inspection and has promoted further improvement in pupils' attainment and aspects of their personal development, the school has good capacity to improve further.

Information about the school

The school is bigger than most.

The Early Years Foundation Stage children are taught in two Reception classes. The proportion of pupils known to be eligible for free school meals is much lower than found nationally. There are a few pupils from minority ethnic groups.

The proportion of pupils identified as having special educational needs and/or disabilities is below average. The school has achieved a number of awards reflecting its commitment to promoting pupils' healthy living and environmental awareness. There is a children's centre adjacent to the school site, which is managed independently, and was not part of this inspection.

Also at this postcode
Pewsham Preschool Ltd PH Camps - Kings Lodge Springboard

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