Wincham Community Primary School

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About Wincham Community Primary School

Name Wincham Community Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mr Matthew Boot
Address Church Street, Wincham, Northwich, CW9 6EP
Phone Number 01606668380
Phase Primary
Type Community school
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 312
Local Authority Cheshire West and Chester
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

The school has raised its expectations of what pupils can achieve across a broader range of subjects. Pupils enjoy the way that their teachers hook them into new topics in exciting ways. Pupils are keen and inquisitive learners.

They typically achieve well across the curriculum.

Children in early years settle in confidently. They learn quickly how the school expects them to behave.

For example, children in Nursery Year readily put on their aprons before they take part in water play. Their behaviour is impeccable.

Pupils understand the school rules.

They know that it is important to respect others and their belongings. Pupils also learn to re...spect themselves. They explained that this means being kind to yourself and knowing that 'you are enough'.

These positive attitudes mean that pupils behave well and are happy in school.

Pupils learn how diverse the world is. They develop a rich knowledge of cultures that are different from their own.

This prepares pupils well to live in modern Britain.

Pupils take on positions of responsibility with enthusiasm because they want to make a difference. For example, pupils who act as school councillors are proud of their pivotal role in creating a quiet space in the playground.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), benefit from an ambitious curriculum that is meaningful and interesting to them.They develop a keen appreciation of what it means to act as a positive citizen. Pupils are exceptionally well prepared to contribute to their community and to wider society.

Starting with early years, the school has carefully designed the curriculum to build in a logical way from year to year. In most subjects, the important knowledge that pupils need to acquire is broken down into well-ordered steps. Teachers carefully introduce and frequently revisit this knowledge.

They check that pupils know and can remember what they have been taught. Pupils build up their knowledge securely in these subjects.

In a few remaining subjects, the school has been less decisive in identifying the essential knowledge that pupils must learn.

At times, teachers are unsure what knowledge they should teach, emphasise and rehearse until it is secure in pupils' memories. Some pupils' knowledge is uneven in these subjects as a result. In a small number of other subjects, the school has improved curriculums, but these changes are more recent.

The school has not checked sufficiently well that these curriculums are being implemented as intended. At times, the curriculum is not delivered as effectively in these subjects as it is in others.

Throughout early years, staff interact skilfully with children to develop their communication and language.

Children are introduced to phonics as soon as they join Reception Year. Staff are experts in teaching early reading. They make sure that pupils practise their reading using books that accurately match their phonics knowledge.

Most pupils read confidently and fluently by the end of Year 2. The very small number of pupils who struggle to read benefit from the support of skilled staff to catch up with their peers.

The school is becoming increasingly effective in identifying the additional needs of pupils with SEND.

This now happens quickly and accurately as soon as children join in early years. Staff use a range of different approaches in order to help pupils with SEND to access the curriculum successfully.

Children in early years listen attentively and move seamlessly between activities.

Older pupils maintain these high standards of behaviour. Classrooms are calm and purposeful.

The school's focus on pupils' wider development runs like a golden thread from early years to Year 6.

Pupils develop empathy for those who are less fortunate than themselves. This starts in early years, where an inspector observed children at play thoughtfully collecting coins to give to homeless people. Long-standing links with a school in Kenya help pupils to deepen their cultural understanding.

During this inspection, pupils listened with rapt attention while a Kenyan visitor shared a story with them.

The school involves parents and carers in their children's education effectively. For instance, parents appreciate the guidance that they receive to support their children's reading.

This includes access to teaching videos to support the correct enunciation of sounds.

Governors bring a rich array of expertise and experience to their role. They have a detailed knowledge of all aspects of school life.

Governors make a strong contribution to the leadership of the school. For example, they carefully considered staff workload and well-being throughout a recent staffing restructure.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• In a small number of subjects, the key knowledge that pupils must know in readiness for future learning is unclear. This means that some pupils do not recall and build on prior learning as well as they could. The school should refine its curriculum design in these few remaining subjects so that teachers know exactly what knowledge must be taught, emphasised and recalled in order for pupils to gain a deep body of knowledge over time.

• The school's systems to quality assure recently refined curriculums in a small number of subjects are not as effective as they could be. At times, these curriculums are inconsistently implemented and pupils' learning is uneven as a result. The school should check that teachers deliver subject curriculums consistently well and provide appropriate support where this is not the case.

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